Queen Elizabeth Takes Guidance From the Sea

She's her own North star, really

Britain's Queen Elizabeth II (R) and Prince Philip (L) cruise on a navy barge on Lake Burley Griffin...

What’s that we hear in the distance? Waves crashing at the shores of the Isle of Man? The plaintive moan of the Cornwall otter? The lonely fisherman making his morning fry-up? No, it’s eejit Royal biographer Robert Hardman claiming to Page Six that the Queen has never thought about her legacy, and is instead inspired by the maxims of her sea-faring father, Prince George VI.

Hardman told Page Six, “I spoke to some of her very old friends, and they said she got that from her father who was in the Royal Navy and had that sailor’s sense of ‘This too shall pass.’ Storms will come and storms will go, you’ve just to batten down the hatches,” he says. Take a sip of salt water, hon.

But of course, he’s right. These well-loved sailorisms and a great veneration of Davy Jones’s Locker are all it takes to reign over a commonwealth of 52 countries for 70 years, and this girl is not “making waves,” to borrow a famous phrase probably coined by her father and his Fleet Week associates.

“She’s a great believer in the … small-step approach to things. She doesn’t do big, big statements. She’s not a politician. She doesn’t have a big agenda,” Hardman continued. “She works on the basis that, you know, a lot of small acts of kindness cumulatively have a great effect. Rather than being, you know, making sort of the big decision.”

She runs a tight ship, as the crow flies, and ignores all the flotsam and jetsam in the breech. She’s a simple woman with several countryside castles, and much like the vast nothingness that covers 70 percent of earth, she’s full of mysteries. We watch her in awe from our widow’s walk. We taste her brackish air. We feel her pull on the moon.