Royal Family Denied Galley Brag in Prince Harry Memoir Rollout
So excited for this @princeharry!!

When we last checked in on Prince Harry’s forthcoming memoir, the royal was hunkered down in the Map Room with his allies charting a course of attack against Michelle Obama’s substantial book club army. Day turned to night, night turned to day; a clear path to securing major holiday season sales did not present itself. Until now, we as spectators didn’t understand that underneath that war there was a battle; yet another devil weighing heavy on the 37-year-old author’s overburdened shoulders. That battle is at present being waged on the hallowed grounds of the ARC. That devil’s name — is galley.
The royal family has reportedly not received an advance copy of Prince Harry’s memoir.
(And neither have their lawyers.)
This news comes from the Telegraph, which reports that neither Harry’s beloved bruv nor papa have been allowed to see “any part of the manuscript,” nor have they been told “when the book will be published.” If you ask me, the family hasn’t been given a publishing date because Penguin Random House hasn’t yet set a publishing date, due to the ongoing war with Michelle Obama. If you ask the Telegraph, the family hasn’t received any part of the manuscript because Penguin Random House has “carefully designed” the book’s rollout to include a “shock drop” publication strategy.
A “shock drop,” the Telegraph explains, is when "a short, sharp flurry of revelations" is released all at once ahead of a book’s publication; keeping it from the royal family, in this case, would prevent them from preemptively denying its presumably shocking contents. But palace insiders who spoke to the Telegraph think the reason for secrecy might be that the book doesn’t have much to offer in the way of shocking information at all.
Sources close to Prince Charles told the Telegraph that he reportedly hoped to receive a copy of the book ahead of its publication, but also that it is “unlikely to be on his reading list,” yeah right. No word on whether Prince William was hoping to secure a galley.
So, do you think the book will be very shocking or very boring? My guess is: very boring. DM your guess to your crush.