Meghan Markle Reached Out to King Charles to Ask for a 1:1

She tried to book a meeting room at Windsor HQ to “clear the air”

Meghan Markle next to King Charles.
Left: Karwai Tang/WireImage Right: Samir Hussein/WireImage
boss babies

Circling back here:

The Duchess Meghan Markle, who once wrote to her own Daddy with handwriting so impeccable that I forgot what the contents of the letter actually said, apparently contacted her former coworker King Charles III asking for a “one-on-one” breakout sesh to talk strat before she flew home to Montecito from the on-site at Windsor.

I have absolutely no idea what her start-up co-founder Harry is doing on his computer all day (he’s probably on The Real Real), but according to what “a very good source” told royal reporter Neil Sean (via Sky News), this proposed convo was a solo Meg activation:

"She'd now like (to), before they return back to California, to have a one-to-one audience with King Charles III," Mr Sean said in a video posted on YouTube.
"That's right, Meghan one-to-one with King Charles III. You heard correct.
"And what's interesting here is. According to that good source, this was made in a formal letter, this is how you write to the King.”
"Now you have to admire Meghan's self belief, whatever you think."

What did the letter say, even? Like most things, could it have been an email? I imagine – and read this in cursive – it went something like this.

Dear Charles R.,
I hope this letter finds you in good health and that your hand irritation has calmed down.
It’s been a wild two weeks since Lilibet Jr.’s namesake died. Despite the fact that I was disinvited to Balmoral to say goodbye to the woman whose life I so profoundly touched — not to mention the fact that my husband had to charter his own PJ there — I think we can reach some sort of truce. After all, you see what an asset I am to the Firm, as evidenced by how beautiful I looked at the funeral.
So: I’m very sorry about what I said about you to Oprah, and I think you probably have some stuff you’ve been wanting to atone for, too. I’d like us to retain a professional relationship vis-a-vis money. We can meet on your turf, possibly at a cafe in Poundbury, your experimental planned city in Dorset. I’ll be traveling there with my Netflix crew, so please make sure there’s enough room for 12.
Also, I’m sorry I told Archie you were dead.
Be best,Meghan M.

No word yet on if there’s a 1:1 skedded or if the letter even reached him. Charles left Windsor for Scotland this morning, and his phone doesn't have the email button.