1/7 of the World’s Population Is Now on TikTok

That's why you have to keep pretending that you've watched them.

Close-up of human hand holding a cellphone displaying icon for the TikTok video sharing app, Lafayet...
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Do you feel like people are always trying to show you TikToks? No matter where you go. In real life, on the computer. On social media, at work. At a party. And every time you’re looking at the TikTok and you’re like, “Do we really have to stand here and watch this.” Or, “I wonder how much of this I have to watch before I can respond ‘hahahahaha.’” You’re thinking, “How did I ever get to be so old. I used to be young. Did I waste my youth? I can barely even remember it. Am I wasting my life right now? Is it possible to live a life and feel like you didn’t take it all for granted? I think I’ve spent almost all of my life in front of a computer, and that can’t be the best way to live. Am I happy or am I sad? I feel nothing. Is feeling nothing better or worse than feeling sad? I’m not sure. Is this TikTok over yet? No.”

Well it turns out everybody is always showing you TikToks because of the 7,874,965,825 people in the world, 1,000,000,000 of them are active TikTok users. (A billion people.) TikTok announced their good news in a blog post on Tuesday:

“At TikTok, our mission is to inspire creativity and bring joy. Today, we're celebrating that mission and our global TikTok community. More than 1 billion people around the world now come to TikTok every month to be entertained as they learn, laugh, or discover something new.”

God. Can you imagine how much money somebody has to have because of this? I wish I could have a little bit of that money. I’d buy a house. Anyway this is a 45 percent increase in users for TikTok since July 2020, which is quite a large jump; anyone can see that, even if they don’t know offhand who gets the money from TikTok. Do you think people are still gonna like it in a year or two? What’s the next TikTok? Can I have some of the money from that? Please let me know.