Subway Shooting Suspect Found By Guy Named Zack

Clearly the NYPD was dealing with a criminal genius

New York's Finest

The New York City Police Department has finally nabbed Frank James, the alleged homicidal maniac who shot ten people and left 19 more injured in an attack on the subway on Tuesday morning, according to the New York Post. The denizens of NYC can finally exhale following the apprehension of James, and pivot from heartache to celebration in honor of New York’s finest. Apparently James, who evaded capture for 30 hours, is a criminal mastermind and gave the boys in blue quite a run for their money.

Here’s what we know about James:

As you can see, this bulleted list shows just how difficult a criminal James was to catch. Posing myriad challenges to law enforcement, NYPD was not able to apprehend him without the intervention of a citizen — some guy named Zack. Thank you, Zack.