Beau Biden (Baby) Is My Beautiful New Baby

I want to smooch my new king

WASHINGTON, DC, USA - JULY 4 : U.S. President Joe Biden, his grandson Beau Biden and Ashley Biden wa...
Anadolu Agency/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images
american exceptionalism

Until today, if asked, I would have told you that the three cutest babies on the planet were as follows:

1. Little Prince G (Oh, my cakes!)

Karwai Tang/WireImage/Getty Images

2. The little girl in glasses that comes toodlin’ into frame while her dad is giving an interview in that viral BBC video. Around these parts, we just call her “She Dancin,’” because she dancin’.


3. The stunning first photo of Lilibet Jr. proudly on display in the Queen’s office, exclusively sourced by our friends at Page Six.


But then I got a load of a photo set of Hunter Biden and Melissa Cohen’s two-year-old child Beau en route to Kiawah Island in South Carolina with his equally youthful grandpop, Mr. President.

Beau Biden (Baby) is our new king. How about that, Jack?

He’s deferential to Papa, and he supports the troops!


He dancin’?!


He’s fearless when Gramps makes him go vroom vroom in the airplane

Alex Wong/Getty Images News/Getty Images

His hair is shinier than mine.

Anadolu Agency/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images

I want to hug you so much, and so does Mr. Prez!

Alex Wong/Getty Images News/Getty Images

Congratulations, Beau Biden (baby)!