On Koba Yaddle Is Briefly Gorgeous

Girl Yoda got a makeover


There’s good news and there’s great news, and I come bearing the latter, which is that Bryce Dallas Howard is joining the Star Wars universe as the voice of Yaddle. “Meet Yaddle in #TalesOfTheJedi — voiced by me *squeal*,” the actress tweeted on Tuesday, along with an expression of thanks toward some Star Wars producer for “making this dream come true.” A very exciting announcement, to be sure, but the real news to me: Yaddle is literally beautiful? Take a look, ya’ll.

Now who is Yaddle, you may ask? Unfortunately, I don’t have the answer — I know basically nothing about Star Wars, having seen approximately 3.5 movies from the franchise in no particular order and none of the television shows. I know that there’s the Yoda, the one who like this talks. I “know” about Baby Yoda in that I’m aware through cultural osmosis that his real name is “Grogu.” This Yoda, however, Girl Yoda a.k.a. “Yaddle,” is entirely new to me. And I haven’t even gotten to the more revelatory fact, which is that she has hair? Or perhaps this was an executive decision made by Hollywood’s third most famous redhead herself.

Some research into Yaddle suggested that Yaddle already existed in Star Wars canon, it’s just that this one has had a bit of a makeover. Take a look at original Yaddle from The Phantom Menace:


And now let’s see Yaddle at work:


Now take a look at Bryce’s Yaddle again:

When Bryce Dallas Howard typed “*squeal*,” she really meant it. Her Yaddle is absolutely gorgeous! What a stunning redesign! I feel like one of those family members on a toxic makeover show reacting to a new and improved version of a member of my family, not just a yassified CGI interpretation of a space puppet from a 20-year-old movie. Look at her high cheekbones! Her blow-out hair! The elegant swoop of her ears!

But there’s more to Yaddle than just her bangin’ bod and face to match. Apparently she sits on the Jedi Council. Very cool, she’s like the AOC of space? (Don’t correct me on this.) I know a woman’s looks don’t matter, but a Yoda’s does, maybe, and we salute sweet Yaddle for her brains and her beauty. Squeal!