Zooey Deschanel and Boyfriend Indulge in Evening of Dark Arts
Manon, take my Property Brother
Double, double toil and trouble; fire burn, and Property Bro-bble. O’, Goody Gawker reader … spirits are calling upon me to spread word of the manic pixie dream woman Zooey Deschanel — in serpent tongues they speaketh: she is being gross online again with her Property Brother … and we musn’t look away!
“Hard to believe…scratch that…Easy to believe it’s already been 3 years with this beautiful soul in my life. @zooeydeschanel you make everything better 🥰 and what a fitting way to celebrate at the @magiccastlehollywood 😉” wrote the Brother on Instagram, adding a wink where we wanted one least.
Yes, it seems Zooey and her lover took a trip to the Magic Castle, a Hollywood members-only club for magicians. Nerds worldwide are desperate to visit this castle, due to its exclusive nature. It seems you need to know a witch in order to get in. Luckily for Zooey she was able to conjure one just in time for her anniversary:
“I got the best one 🥰🥰🥰 most wonderful three years ever,” she wrote on Instagram while sharing the exact same set of photos as her boyfriend. “And thanks magic castle for helping us celebrate last night.”
As Zooey knows, we must thank the witches properly for allowing Zooey and one of the Property Brothers to celebrate their love so gruesomely in front of our eyes. Please join me in chanting:
Round about the cauldron go;
Zooey and Property Bro.
Nerdy Castle, much cologne
Shown to us on devil’d phone
Swelter’d venom sleeping got,
Thank you for getting the shot
The shot meaning the several pics
That each their Instagram depicts
Amen. Thank you @magiccastlehollywood!