Which Super Bowl Football Team Has the Worst Celebrity Fans?

The Eagles have Carrot Top, but the Chiefs have Brad Pitt

Chelsea Guglielmino/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

Well, it’s decided: Super Bowl LVII will be between the Philadelphia Eagles and the Kansas City Chiefs. Right now our job is, of course, to rest and practice self-care before the big day. But we must also seek out all of the information we can in order to make an informed choice on whom to root for.

Step one in figuring out whom to root for is carefully studying all of the bot-written posts about celebrity fans of each football team, and then writing another one of those (as a human). This is in order to determine which has the worst celebrity fans, and make sure we are rooting for the correct team in terms of Hollywood. Let’s see.


Gilbert Carrasquillo/GC Images/Getty Images

Might as well get this out of the way first.


Chelsea Guglielmino/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

Will Brad Pitt’s bad year, full of flops and ongoing legal issues and grape-infused skincare, extend to his favored team losing the Super Bowl? It’s not a bad bet.


Carrot Top is from Florida, so I’m not sure how he came to be an Eagles fan. A quick search of “why does carrot top like the eagles” does not offer any useful results. Alas, there are several photos of him rooting for the Eagles, and you must make with that what you will.


Jason Hanna/Getty Images Sport/Getty Images

Will Jason Sudeikis suck the Chiefs into his ever-expanding circle of losers? Maybe. Or the results of the game could be more like that hug photo with his ex Olivia Wilde from this past weekend, by which I mean choreographed but generally good for everyone involved, in particular the children. We can only wait and see.


What do you think The Slap means vis-à-vis the Super Bowl? It’s an interesting question to consider while you stare into the middle distance and wonder what your life could have been like had you only made other choices. I can’t tell you what predictions to make. I can only point out to you the fact that Will Smith is an Eagles fan, obviously; he is from Philadelphia.


"I spent a lot of time in America learning to enjoy football. I realized I had to choose a team," Henry Cavil told sportscaster Rich Eisen in 2018. "I figured, 'Superman is from Kansas.' I was playing Superman at the time, and it just kind of made sense to me." All right.


I'm on the Eagles, watch as I play there

Lincoln Financial Fi-e-eeld

Crash through the lineman, yes he will hurt us

We're close to CTE now

I know you can’t tell, but it’s actually impressive how quickly I wrote that.


Imagine if Paul Rudd got canceled. Would be kind of devastating, particularly for the Ant-Man franchise. He’s not, though.


And yet they haven’t asked her to do aerial gymnastics at half-time?


Jamie Squire/Getty Images Sport/Getty Images

The “Pink” of the Chiefs, if you will.

On the Eagles’ side there’s also: Tara Reid and Kevin Hart, and on the Chiefs' side there’s also: Eric Stonestreet and Rob Riggle. Oh, also Tina Fey likes the Eagles. I know that’s a lot to consider, so I’ll give you some space to decide, and please feel free to take from now until February 12 as personal days at work. See you in two weeks, and of course go birds.