Things May Have Gotten Worse for Real Housewife Sutton Stracke

A woman on TikTok claims to be involved in the show’s recent racism-related drama

SANTA MONICA, CALIFORNIA: In this image released on June 5, Sutton Stracke attends the 2022 MTV Movi...
Jeff Kravitz/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images
my white child

In a now-deleted TikTok, a woman claims to be the person referenced in a confusing pool story at the center of the drama in the current season of the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. She also claims to have cut ties with the daughter of cast member Sutton Stracke after Sutton was racist to her.

“Me when I cut off my hs bff of 5 years bc her mom was racist to me and now she’s a real housewife getting called out for being racist and her response is ‘my white daughter had a chinese friend’ on tv,” she wrote, clarifying in the video’s description that she is in fact “not Chinese.”

I will explain. The “A plot” on the current season of the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills concerns something from last season — a discussion about race between cast members Crystal Minkoff and Sutton Stracke, during which Crystal (nonwhite) accused Sutton (white) of being “that girl” who says she “doesn’t see color.” (Sutton responds, unable to help herself, “But … I don’t … see … color!”)

In the current season, Crystal was challenged by fellow cast member Garcelle Beauvais about her “that girl” remark from the season prior. Garcelle thought it was harsh and unnecessary given the discussion. Crystal countered by saying there were parts of the discussion we didn’t see — parts that were “dark,” worse than what made the final edit. But Crystal would not say what Sutton’s “dark” comments were. (The other ladies are really hung up on the word “dark.”) (They always say “that’s a big word” when someone accuses them correctly of being terrible.)

Sutton, when pressed by the women to reveal what she might have said, explained it this way: “It’s about my family and how I have raised them to have multicultural friends. We have a pool, we have a Jacuzzi, everybody’s welcome. That’s it.”

Bravo has the footage of this conversation, which happened the morning after the “that girl” conversation, and they supplied it in last week’s episode. During the conversation, Sutton attempted to demonstrate to Crystal how non-racist she is by sharing a story about a pool party her daughter hosted. “My white child is with Black girls in there, a Chinese girl was in the Jacuzzi and I’m like, ‘This is what it should be,’” she said.

Crystal claims this is actually not the “dark” comment she was referring to. And the rest of the ladies don’t think the pool story is that bad, even though it contains the words “my white child” and shows that Sutton thinks allowing nonwhite people in her pool is valorous and worth mentioning in a discussion about racism.

This week, a woman with the handle @elissakimm posted the TikTok we talked about earlier, claiming to be the Jacuzzi girl referenced in Sutton’s story, and accusing Sutton of racism. Since then, Twitter sleuths claim they have found photo evidence that proves her story is legit, or that she at least was friends with Sutton’s daughter in high school.

If what she’s saying is true, things are looking not great for Sutton. And, of course, the timing is terrible. This is all happening right after she launched her cashmere line!