Leonardo DiCaprio Retreats Once Again to the Gentle Arms of the Pussy Posse
And in doing so, he provides comfort to all

There are so few things one can rely on in life. I’m trying to think of a single one, and all I can come up with is “the M&M’s spokescandies,” which is quite clearly incorrect. Lucky for us, then, that we have Leonardo DiCaprio.
When the megayacht and environmental enthusiast isn’t dining at Carbone with a model under the age of 25, he’s at a Lakers game. And when he’s not at a Lakers game, he’s partying with Pussy Posse members Tobey Maguire and Kevin Connolly. In the past week he has done at least two out of three of these things (that we know of), a percentage that “ain’t bad,” as I’m sure you are aware.
Last Friday, as reported by Lainey Gossip, DiCaprio sat courtside at a Lakers game.
The next night, he, Tobey Maguire, and Kevin Connolly visited Hyde Sunset. We do not have access to the photos of Leonardo DiCaprio, Tobey Maguire, and Kevin Connolly at Hyde, so I have created a facsimile here, so that you might share in their warmth.
According to the copy that appears when you Google “Hyde Sunset,” Hyde Sunset is “a welcome evolution in cuisine and nightlife as West Hollywood's latest hospitality experience.” It sounds beautiful. According to Lainey, Hyde was a celebrity hot spot in 2006. “TMZ posted up there every night for what felt like two years as Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, and other socialites,” she writes, “and then later on the Laguna Beach and Hills casts created mayhem on the scene.”
Of course, I am unaware of this Hyde history given that I was not born until much later. (I am a fairly new nine.) I trust Lainey, though, and I am grateful to Leonardo DiCaprio for providing the comfort and nostalgia that we all need so dearly at this difficult time (referring again to the M&M’s).
When you feel lost in this world, and you are unable to look up at the only other constant I’ve been able to think of since beginning this blog post, which is the moon, set your mind toward Leonardo DiCaprio. He has not changed in decades, and it is reasonable to believe that he never will.