Cuomo Is Cuouchsurfing

He's "living his life" at his brother's Hamptons house, among others

Portrait of married couple, lawyer Kerry Kennedy and Assistant Secretary of Housing & Urban Developm...
Diana Walker/The Chronicle Collection/Getty Images

It’s almost the anniversary of former Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s resignation from New York’s top office on Aug. 24, 2021, after an independent probe from State Attorney General Letitia James found that he had allegedly engaged in “unwanted groping, kissing, hugging and making inappropriate comments” to multiple women, including asking one employee to memorize the lyrics to “Danny Boy” and sing them on command. Well, haters be damned, because the “Love Gov” is now thriving — and sleeping on his friend’s couches on the regular. Here’s the New York Post:

Cuomo’s insiders told The Post that Andrew splits his time between the Hamptons, where he crashes with his brother, Chris, in Sag Harbor or with longtime pal Dr. Jeffrey Sachs in Southampton; Westchester, where his sister, Maria Cuomo Cole, lives, and Manhattan where he stays with friends or relatives. He has also been seeing a 50-ish woman who lives in the Southampton area, The Post is told.

The housing market is grotesque enough to make Bill De Blasio seem like America’s Mayor, so props to anyone dodging rent. But unlike most New Yorkers, the Emmy award winner still had at least $10 million in campaign cash as of his July disclosure — down $6 million from the last disclosure reporting period in January. He also seems to want the state to foot his legal bills, which would save him even more cash — cha-ching!

It seems all the couch-surfing has kept Cuomo out of the public eye. He was spotted at Billy Joel’s “waterfront Hamptons estate” for Independence Day, dined with Eric Adams, and went savior mode on a “stalled motorist” in East Hampton last week. Still, the former governor is, as one source told the Post, “living his life,” laying low, and presumably celebrating Tony Bennett Day in secret. According to Vanity Fair, that mostly involves spending “a lot of time with cars and fish.”

It’s hard to say how long this will last. One “veteran Democratic operative,” who worked for both Cuomo and his dad, Mario Cuomo, told the Post that the Cuomos’ Albany clique was like “a club of Disney villains” — implying the ex-Gov. was staging a comeback:

“Melissa DeRosa was the Ice Queen…Andrew was Jafar, the evil guy from ‘Aladdin’ who’s been banished to the Cave of Wonders and now he’s spending all his time trying to come back. This is his life now. It’s what he goes to bed thinking about. He’s plotting and planning to re-emerge. He’s keeping score on everything.”

For now, let’s hope the Cave of Wonders has a guest room.