Andrew Giuliani, who is currently running in the Republican primary for New York Governor, has won the support of a crucial voting body: the sandwich purveyor Jimmy John’s. According to Forbes, the founder of the exurb sprawl staple, Jimmy John Liautaud, and his wife donated $137,000 to the would-be Andrew Cuomo opponent last month. The sandwich power couple, who each contributed $68,329 to his campaign, are currently Giuliani’s largest contributors.
Sandwiches don’t account for everything though, as Giuliani received no votes in the closed-door straw poll New York GOP leaders held for Republican governor candidates in June. They may have been onto something there; Giuliani has no experience in an elected office — unless you count electing to sue his alma mater Duke University for kicking him off their golf team in 2008. Much like the straw-poll however, he lost that — twice. Perhaps Giuliani will be more gracious to his new golfing buddies than his old golf teammates, who alleged he “[broke] a club, "gunn[ed]" the engine of his car, [threw] an apple at the face of former teammate and [was] disrespectful to a trainer.”
The Jimmy Johns news may have come as a sting to Cuomo — whose food credentials include dating Sandra Lee and once telling a reporter to “eat the whole sausage” on camera — as the eatery serves two classic hoagies called the Spicy East Coast Italian and the Italian Night Club. You might think Liautaud, who started his deli with a $25,000 starter loan from his dad, would be sympathetic to another guy who inherited his job. But Liautaud, who declined to comment to Forbes, supported Donald Trump in 2020 and gave over $200,000 to various committees dedicated to his reelection. And as nepotism hires go, the New York Governor’s race has more options than Jimmy John’s has bread — or actually the same number (French, sliced wheat, lettuce).