World’s Tallest Horse Is Now Just One of Heaven’s Tall Horses

Happy trails to one big-ass steed

Big horse Big Jake standing tall and proud next to a normal-sized woman.
Guinness Book of World Records

Big up to Big Jake, the world’s tallest living horse who is now the world’s second-tallest deceased horse on record. He went to horsey heaven sometime in late June, although his owners at Smokey Hollow Farm in Poynette, Wisconsin, declined to tell the Associated Press exactly when he died. “We would rather not remember him by date,” Valicia Gilbert said, adding, “[I]t’s been a traumatic event for our family.”

Big Jake was certified by the Guinness Book of World Records as the world’s tallest living horse in 2010. He weighed 2,500 pounds and measured 6’10 up to his withers a.k.a. horse shoulders. Judging from photos, his neck and head probably added an additional two-and-a-half to three feet of height, depending on how much he was slouching at any given moment. Big Jake would have towered like a god above Sultan Kösen, the world’s tallest living man.

Big Jake was born in Nebraska 20 years ago, the product of two average-sized horses. Even at birth, he was a large boy, weighing about 100 pounds more than a typical 140-pound Belgian foal. Owner Jake Gilbert called him a “respectful” “gentle giant” who was “extremely talented” and “knew he was special.” It sounds like he was a blessing to all who knew him. Here’s hoping Big Jake is galloping wild and free in the halls of Valhalla where he belongs.

In other recent horse news, Bruce Springsteen’s daughter and equestrian Jessica made the U.S. Olympic jumping team along with her horse Don Juan van de Donkhoeve :) And a man allegedly punched and kicked three Central Park carriage horses in an unprovoked attack on Monday, as if those horses don’t already have it hard enough :(