The Woke Brigade Comes for Oregon's 'Swastika Mountain'

Okay fair enough

A carpet of wildflowers under Mt. Batchelor in the Cascade Mountains in Central Oregon
Bobbushphoto/E+/Getty Images

The long-reaching arm of woke culture has come for rural Oregon. First, they came for just one of the 18 Oregon landmarks that still had “Negro” in the name, including but not limited to “Negro Ben Mountain,” “Negro Springs,” and “Negro Knob Trail.” Now, the libtard police have set their sights on a different geological feature: Swastika Mountain.

Willamette Week reports that the Oregon Geographic Names Board, which has been charged with naming peaks, vallies, and various water bodies in the state since 1908, approved a request to rename the 4,197-foot butte in Lane County. The board meets just twice a year; these days, often to “consider substitutions for place names that are outdated or racist.” Per the report:

Swastika Mountain was more the former, [petitioner Joyce] McClain discovered. It predated Nazi Germany. “The mountain took its name from the extinct town of Swastika which was nearby,” she wrote to the board this year. “The town was named after a cattle ranch whose owner branded his cattle with the swastika symbol. This happened in 1909.”

Pending tribal approval, Swastika Mountain will get a new name next year: Mount Halo, which sounds like a haven for gorgeous sirens bathing nude by lush north-western flora, or for gamers. I guess this is the future liberals want. Bye Swastika.