Pro-Vax Sheep and Goats Form Outline of Giant Syringe
Cute animals against COVID

A herd of 700 presumably pro-vax sheep and goats formed the shape of a 330-foot syringe in a German field on Monday in an attempt to encourage people to get vaccinated against COVID-19.
Shepherdess Wiebke Schmidt-Kochan reportedly spent several days practicing with her sheep and goats before the big event in the city of Schneverdingen, per the Associated Press. This is how it went:
Pieces of bread were arranged in the shape of a syringe:
The animals, once released into the field, made their way over to the bread like members of the intellectual dark web descending on a Joe Rogan live show:
Public health ruminant icons:
Voilà, a perfect giant syringe formed of quivering masses of live beasts:
Here’s another angle:
Compare that to a real syringe:
Now that’s a likeness.
You may be wondering: How does a pictogram of a syringe made of sheeps and goats encourage vaccination?
Someone named Hanspeter Etzold, who organized the campaign, reasoned that “sheeps are such likeable animals — maybe they can get the message over better.”
At this point, sure. Why not?