That’s So Rupert

The media mogul started a new TV network because he "wanted something to watch"

News Corporation Chief Rupert Murdoch leaves his London home, on July 20, 2011. Australian Prime Min...
CARL COURT/Getty Images

Ninety-year-old billionaire Rupert Murdoch is sick of turning on the TV at his Oxfordshire estate and flipping through channels of commie news and young people kissing. Like many of us, he just feels like there’s so much content out there and yet none of it is good. But in a classic “Rupert” move, he’s doing something about it. Jerry Hall’s husband is starting his own U.K.-based “news and debate” network.

Murdoch’s calling it “talkTV” (genius), and Piers Morgan is the only signed anchor (swoon). But this is not about politics. He’s just being Rupert. According to the Financial Times:

For all the dissection of the commercial and political calculus behind the venture, however, for Murdoch it seems the rationale was more straightforward. “He just loves doing this stuff,” [former managing editor of Sky News Lis] Howell said.
And, as one associate put it, the billionaire simply “wanted something to watch.”

That’s so Rupert.