Inspiring Brave Urgent Necessary Essential Powerful Penetrating Unflinching Concise Articulate Eloquent Scintillating Pugalistic
Public flattery is the lifeblood of writers, pundits, and other professionals who pontificate for a living because they all have or once had very low self-esteem that needs constant puffery in order to function. The best way to do this is to retweet their work accompanied by compliments that convey just how much of a big brain they are, while also conveying how much of a big brain that you, as the reader of such cerebral work, are, as well. Of course, not all adjectives are hefty enough to bear the weight of this dual purpose. If you’re going to kiss intellectual ass, might as well make it count — here’s a handy lexicon of descriptors to use, in order of worst to best:
25. Inspiring
24. Brave
23. Urgent
22. Necessary
21. Essential
20. Powerful
19. Penetrating
18. Unflinching
17. Concise
16. Articulate
15. Eloquent
14. Scintillating
13. Pugilistic
12. Astute
11. Trenchant
10. Something about their “prose”
9. Luminous
8. Clear-eyed
7. Rare talent
5. Brilliant
2. Incisive
1. Sharp