Regular Food Review: Mini Milk Chocolate Bars

Rapture in a bar

Slim chocolate bar half unwrapped.
Jenny G. Zhang
Break Me Off a Piece of That
Regular Food Reviews

I have always liked chocolate, but I also recognize that I have probably never eaten what could be considered good chocolate. I’ve had some Ferrero Rocher here and there, the occasional Toblerone purchased at airport duty-free stores, those Lindt balls available in big bags around the holidays at Costco — but rarely a chocolate so good it makes me want to slow down to savor the taste, salivating, for just a few seconds longer.

Well, I have now found that chocolate: the Mini Milk Chocolate Bars from Trader Joe’s, a store whose wares I generally enjoy (and will enjoy even more when all its workers are unionized). I don’t know the chocolate’s provenance, where its ingredients were harvested and by whom — all good questions to ask about your cocoa — but I do know that it tastes sublime. I have never before sampled a bar this perfectly milky, so balanced in its silky equation of sweetness and chocolate flavor. I doled out a finger-length, single-serving bar a day for myself, saving it for the moment when I was most in need of psychic deliverance (usually during work). After five days, the box was empty, leaving me counting down the days until I can get my hands on another one. 4.5/5 stars.