Regular Food Review: An Incredible Sandwich
So good I shouldn’t even be writing about it here

Egg, cheese, hash brown, and avocado on some kind of bread is a foolproof combination. In this case, the food overlords looked down on me and said, “Jenny, today you will have a sandwich that you might not even be able to write about for your Regular Food Reviews column because it will be so good as to be irregular, but you will anyway to hit your deadline.” I used a roll that I bought on sale from Kroger (99 cents for a bag of four! What a steal). The avocado, once cut open, looked like it had been hand-formed by the gods themselves. The hash brown was one of the Trader Joe’s frozen variety, absolutely smashing. The egg and cheese were normal but good. This was a dy-no-mite dinner. 4.5/5 stars.