Regular Food Review: Avocado Toast With Boiled Eggs and Chili Oil
Work lunch, elevated

Perhaps keeping in line with my recent trip down office-lunch nostalgia lane, l have rediscovered, of late, my passion for a dish that I used to eat all the time at my first full-time job. That may have been primarily because the ingredients were readily available in my workplace’s fully stocked kitchen: toasted sourdough bread, smeared with avocado (office version: single-packs of guacamole), topped with hard-boiled eggs (office version: pre-shelled and packaged in pairs), and drizzled with chili oil (office version: salt, pepper, and crushed red pepper flakes leftover from big group pizza orders). Still, I grew to love this lunch, to the point where I took it with me to my next job, although I had to supply my own ingredients there. Coworkers whose names I didn’t know would pass my table in the small dining area, remarking, “Wow, what do we have here!” like they had never seen someone peeling boiled eggs in the break room before. I ate my avo/guac toast nearly every day until I was finally sick of it, and now, a few years later, here I am making it again and remembering, with a hint of wistfulness, all those people and offices and free food that I will probably not see again. At least I’ll always have this toast. 4.5/5 stars.