Winner! The Best Halloween Costume of 2022 Goes to Slap Kid

The View celebrated Halloween with something even scarier than Meghan McCain weighing in on free speech

The View/YouTube
Boo! Let This Happen

Is there anything worse than a child dressed up for Halloween in a costume clearly thought up by an adult? I’ll answer that: no. If your kid wanted to be a racecar and you dressed them up as the concept of free speech (t-shirt with lips, $0 price tag attached), you are the problem.

The issue becomes less black and white when the child in question is presumably getting paid real money instead of candy to appear on a daytime talk show in a costume that is only funny to adults. This happened today on The View, when children participated in a segment called “Boo! Are You Wearing?” in which they were outfitted in costumes paying tribute to the year’s news headlines, such as “inflation” and “the raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate.”

The View’s wardrobe supervisor Ashley Alderfer Kaufman saved the best for last, when she had a child trot out in a gold unitard with a Cast Away-esque handprint on his face.

The View/YouTube

Do you get it? He’s The Slap. From the Oscars? Hahahahaha.

"We do not want to endorse violence of any kind, but we couldn't help but talk about one of the hottest hot topics this year," Kaufman said.

Brilliant. This kid looks like he’s having a great time. He probably got to miss school for this, which is pretty cool. The downside is that both his bullies and loved ones will find this clip and he will not hear the end of it until death comes. You can see him come to that realization in this screenshot:

The View/YouTube

Was it worth it? That’s not for me to say. The other kids got to wear semi-normal clothes while this one had to put on skin-tight lycra and have his eyebrows glued down. That’s a small price to pay for 12 hours of light virality, probably, like, $300, and a lifetime of your mom showing this picture to all future romantic partners. Because this child needs it, we feel comfortable declaring this Gawker’s Favorite Halloween Costume 2022, miles ahead of, say, liar Kim Kardashian or attention-starved Machine Gun Kelly. We salute you, Slap Kid, and we hope you at least got to go to McDonald’s after this.