Earlier this month, the extremely rich actress Kaley Cuoco revealed on Instagram that she has a new, random boyfriend. His name is Tom Pelphrey, and he is a former soap star who somewhat recently appeared on Ozark before his character got killed off by the cartel. This is Cuoco’s first big relationship since she filed for divorce from her second husband, the also-random equestrian Karl Cook, and she seems happy about it. Just yesterday, she brought him to a Hollywood event for the first time:
If you can’t tell from these gorgeous Getty images, Pelphrey accompanied Cuoco to the Hollywood Walk of Fame ceremony for Greg Berlanti, a famous television writer who executive produces Cuoco’s delightful HBO Max show The Flight Attendant. Ryan Murphy was also there. Random? No, this is just Cuoco’s life.
What’s next for this now officially public couple? Probably more cutesy Instagram pics.
And then, of course, the Emmys are in September. Cuoco will definitely bring Pelphrey to that, unless they break up and she finds another new random boyfriend first.