Andrew Garfield Has Freed Himself From the “Societal Obligation” to Have Kids Before 40

I’m so happy for him…

Evans Vestal Ward/NBC/NBCUniversal/Getty Images
Allie Jones

Andrew Garfield, 39, is one of British GQ’s “Men of the Year,” and of course we congratulate him for that. After a busy couple of years starring in movies and television shows and making a cameo in the last Spider-Man movie, he is taking a little break, he said in the interview, and we congratulate him for that, too. The best news, however, is that he has apparently freed himself from the “societal obligation” to have a child before he turns 40.

That’s awesome!

Garfield, a man, revealed this in the course of discussing his 40th birthday plans with his high school friends. “I always thought I would be the first to have kids and settle down, and they’re all shacked up and a couple of kids deep, for the most part,” he said. “Releasing myself from the societal obligation of procreating by the time I’m 40 has been an interesting thing to do with myself.”

“It’s more about accepting a different path than what was kind of expected of me from birth,” he added. “Like, By this time you will have done this, and you will have at least one child – that kind of thing. I think I have some guilt around that. And obviously it’s easier for me as a man…”

Is it? I hadn’t thought of that. But the interviewer did note that “there’s still time” for Garfield to have kids, to which he responded, “As far as I know,” while knocking on wood.

Nice. I’m knocking on wood too, and I’m smiling while I do it, because I’m so happy for this guy. He has all the time in the world to find a 25-year-old model to have his children, and he knows it. I think I just cracked a tooth.

Congratulations on your mental state, Andrew Garfield :)