In Praise of Skull Trumpet, the Internet's Spookiest Meme
Andy Cush · 10/31/14 08:35AM
Doot-doot! The internet's spookiest meme isn't really spooky at all. Start the video, and a disembodied skull holding a trumpet appears, hovering over a field of black. Without menace, it turns toward you, and the bell of its horn begins to throb. Doot-doot! Skull Trumpet's musical salvo lasts all of two notes, and it's over.
Ivy League School Will Offer Class on "Wasting Time on the Internet"
Andy Cush · 10/30/14 05:05PM
Next year, at the prestigious University of Pennsylvania, a group of students will screw around online. Between lectures on thinkers like John Cage and Betty Friedan, they'll be asked to browse the likes of Tumblr or Twitter and hopefully, by they end of the semester, they'll have something meaningful to say about it all.
Paul Rudd Sat Idly by (Thousands of Miles Away) During Homophobic Attack
Jordan Sargent · 10/27/14 03:45PMToday, the internet has ascribed an inspiring bit of heroism to Paul Rudd, after video surfaced this weekend of a man who almost, kind of looks like Paul Rudd helping to prevent an alleged hate crime at Dallas-Fort Worth Airport (as shown in the video above). Alas, @TheRealPaulRudd was actually thousands of miles away, likely doing nothing, while real American heroes got their hands dirty.
An Army of Low-Wage Workers Keeps Child Porn off Your Facebook
Andy Cush · 10/23/14 12:15PMA Disease Domain Kingpin Is Selling for $150,000
Andy Cush · 10/14/14 04:51PM
Currently, is pretty barebones: an image of the virus, a few news articles, and links to buy relevant books on Amazon. If you think you can do something better with the site, it can be yours for just $150,000. But if better suits your fancy, you'll have to pay Jon Schultz a little more.
People Are Roleplaying as Normal, Boring Office Workers on Facebook
Andy Cush · 10/09/14 05:47PM"Shell Shock" Could Give Hackers Keys to Your Website
Sam Biddle · 09/24/14 04:00PMCompetitive Web Surfing: A Journey to the Center of the Internet
Andy Cush · 08/12/14 09:00AMFuck These 10 People Wearing Giant Ironic Meme Bullshit Sweatshirts
Sam Biddle · 08/06/14 12:13PMNew Meme: Everybody Is Going Crazy Buying Up Weird .gop Domains Today
Adam Weinstein · 07/08/14 01:40PMThe Man Behind the Web's Most Controversial Video Site
Jason Parham · 06/19/14 01:50PM
We’re 35 floors high above midtown Manhattan and Lee O’Denat occupies the seat across from me. His is a physically-commanding presence—a bull of a man—and I begin to think everything I have read about him up until this point is true. The designer shades. The diamond-encrusted chain. The deceptively knowing smile that spreads across his round face from time to time. He knows something that you don’t.