Apparently some people missed the memo that the I-can't-believe-it's-not-Idiocracy catchphrase "Fuck Her Right in the Pussy" originated with a couple of completely fake news bloopers before it spread rapidly, not unlike herpes, to actual TV broadcasts. Today, the creator of the worst meme that dominated the worst year cleared that up with a video officially confessing the hoax.

John Cain, who played a reporter in the very first FHRITP video, back before he introduced the bearded, be-sunglassesed (shut up, it's a word) character of "Fred," posted outtakes Friday from his early, staged attempts to make Fuck Her Right in the Pussy a thing. This is how your FHRITP sausage was made.

And, lo, many bro hearts were shattered into tiny fragments that day, and the sad, unfunny meme was abandoned with the rest of last year's gross, viral detritus. And the internet saw that it was good. And it was 2015, and it was morning.

[h/t BroBible]