This dumb year full of racist cops, Ebola, boring pop music, and subway condoms that went untouched for weeks is finally almost over. Hooray! An arbitrary temporal demarcation to provide the illusion that the worst is behind us! But before it does, here's a look back at what you thought was funny in 2014: People yelling "fuck her right in the pussy!" on live TV.

I wish I could say our ancestors will look back in bewilderment at the lowest-common-denominator hoax meme that became a huge sensation this year, but they probably won't. It's actually the idiot future of comedy.

In 2050, when standup specials consisting of a guy screaming while he takes a shit on a stage are streamed directly to our brains, we'll look wistfully back on FHRIPT and think, "That was where it all started."

[h/t BroBible]