Daily Caller Discovers Jewish Summer Camp

Despite Richard Nixon's efforts to remove all Jews from the Bureau of Labor Statistics in 1971, President Obama is now attempting to nominate a known Jew to head the agency. And not just any Jew: Erica Groshen sent her children to "a politically left-wing Jewish summer camp with Communist roots." Will he succeed? Not if the Daily Caller's Matthew Boyle has anything to do with it.
Boyle, a keen and penetrating journalist with a firm grasp of political philosophy —
This whole "tax the rich " thing Obama is waging war with now is pretty much communism: redistribution of wealth by government force
— Matthew Boyle (@mboyle1) July 14, 2012
— has a bombshell report in today's Daily Caller, your paper of record for close examinations of the social media presence of black teenagers. Prepare to be shocked:
A forthcoming report from the conservative organization Americans for Limited Government (ALG) details how President Barack Obama's nominee to head the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) sent her children to a politically left-wing Jewish summer camp with Communist roots. [...]
The U.S. House Un-American Activities Committee and New York state investigated the camp for its communist ties in the 1950s - something the camp's website calls "red baiting witch hunts." The investigation prompted Camp Kinderland to make a "legal determination" that it was not a part of the IWO. [...]
"Though campers no longer salute the flag of the Soviet Union on their way to breakfast, much remains the same at Kinderland," the ALG report reads. "The hardwired rituals of summer camp life, where tradition is religion and the outside world is a fantasy, have proved themselves to be perfectly suited to the preservation of a certain brand of unabashed Jewish leftism that has few contemporary analogies."
That's right: this isn't just any summer camp — it's an unabashed Jewish leftist summer camp. The mind reels. What other important HUAC investigations have been overlooked by the communists infiltrating the government? Were they really "red baiting witch hunts," when no actual witches were ever hunted, despite what the libtards say? We can't just stop at Jewish summer camps. We need to ask: Has President Obama ever watched Roman Holiday, written by blacklisted screenwriter Dalton Trumbo? Has he listened to a recording by blacklisted singer and self-admitted communist Paul Robeson? Does Matthew Boyle know that popular Broadway musical The Producers was based on a movie — starring activist, blacklisted actor, and Jew Zero Mostel? We need brave journalists like him looking into the Jewish-communist menace!
Meanwhile, The New York Times examines another Jewish summer camp conspiracy. How deep does this thing go?