Welcome to the Joint Gawker-Jezebel Brooklyn Luxury Condo Democratic Debate Liveblog

Tonight, Senator Bernie Sanders and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton participate in the final debate before of the most important primary of all time, on Tuesday. The debate will be broadcast from the crown jewel of New York City: the Brooklyn Navy Yard. Gawker and Jezebel are here, and we’re blogging.
Well, sort of—we’re in a big warehouse full of press people, and the Spin Room. (The Debate Hall is...somewhere else.) A correspondent for The Economist, sitting behind us, told his neighbor, “I’m not really covering this live. It’s a magazine, you see.” Bully for him.
Thus far, Gawker has received the following free items: a small bar of Mast Brothers’s allegedly fraudulent chocolate; an aluminum can of Brooklyn Roasting Company coffee beans; a large cup of Brooklyn Roasting Company cold-brewed coffee.
Also, we have been given a brochure for the Brooklyn Navy Yard, a former federal shipyard decommissioned and sold to the city in 1966. “Today, products made at the Brooklyn Navy Yard include components of the Mars Rover, prototypes of next-generation motorcycles, and highly advanced protective gear for the military.” We bet Gizmodo wishes they were here.
The debate starts at 9:00.