Nicole Richie Snaps Pic of Pap Who Threw Kid on Floor to Photograph Her
Neetzan Zimmerman · 06/06/13 10:54AMSupreme Court: Cher Can Say 'Fuck' on TV All She Wants (For Now)
John Cook · 06/21/12 10:50AM
Today was Big Decision Day at the Supreme Court, and though we'll have to wait until next week for the long-awaited healthcare decision, the justices threw us a bone by finding the Federal Communications Commission's indecency standards unconstitutionally vague [pdf]. Get ready for some hardcore broadcast teevee fuckin'!
Fashion Star Is the Most Vapid Show on Television
Maureen O'Connor · 03/14/12 02:20PMNicki Minaj Maid Brawl: 'I'll Show You How to Treat Someone Like an Animal'
Maureen O'Connor · 10/28/11 11:15AMHappy 30th, Nicole Richie
Lauri Apple · 09/22/11 04:02AMKelly Osbourne Calls Christina Aguilera a 'Fat Bitch,' and Other Disses
Maureen O'Connor · 08/05/11 10:34AMLindsay Lohan Snuggles With Her Own Terrible Super-Tan Future
Maureen O'Connor · 04/13/11 11:47AM
Like a vulture circling a mound of rotting flesh, Lindsay Lohan is closing in on the role of Victoria Gotti in an upcoming mafia movie. To seal the deal, Lindsay and Victoria posed for pictures; the result was like one of those fairy tales where a damsel looks in the mirror and freaks out when she sees what she will look like when she is old. Not that Victoria is that old! Just that LiLo has a thing for snuggling up to human embodiments of her super-tan, uber-blonde future.