'Pollster Grifter' Bilks Innocent Secretary Out of $2.3 Million
Pareene · 04/17/09 11:50AMFailed Political Flacks Jockey For Crown of Evil
Hamilton Nolan · 04/14/09 09:26AMMicrosoft's Secret Campaign Against Google Includes CEO's Ex-Girlfriend
Owen Thomas · 04/03/09 11:02AMMark Penn: Either Buy or Sell Right Now
Hamilton Nolan · 03/31/09 09:34AMInept PR Guy Mark Penn Invites You to His 'Dungeon of Rotting Humanity'
Owen Thomas · 03/28/09 03:00PMGreat Thinker Able to Use Current Pop Song to Explain Obvious Thing
Hamilton Nolan · 03/13/09 08:37AMRachel Maddow Now Raping Mark Penn Daily
Hamilton Nolan · 03/10/09 11:00AMMaddow on Mark Penn: "When Evil Needs Public Relations, Evil Has Burson-Marsteller On Speed-Dial"
Pareene · 03/06/09 03:24PMMark Penn Discovers Unemployed People
Pareene · 03/02/09 12:38PMLitigiousness: Now More Affordable Than Ever!
cityfile · 03/02/09 09:21AM
Through the recession-blackened debris of our once great nation, there blows a consolatory treasure, a reminder, if you will, of what being American is all about: suing people! Thanks to the mass layoffs of lawyers—on February 12th alone, 800 law firm employees were let go—the cost of a lawsuit should drop "for the first time in history," explains Mark Penn, the CEO of the PR firm Burson-Marsteller and the scandal-plagued strategist who worked on Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign. Music to the ears, no doubt, of women who have ever been employed by Simon Hammerstein, or of waitstaff at basically any New York restaurant.
Oh, Honestly, Mark Penn
Pareene · 01/23/09 09:50AMTina Brown on the True Victims of the Recession
Pareene · 01/12/09 02:34PMKnowledge is Priceless
Hamilton Nolan · 01/09/09 04:55PMThe Top Ten People Who Should Be Unemployed in a Just 2009
Pareene · 12/29/08 04:07PMClinton Writes Off Loan to Self, Still Owes Mark Penn Millions
Pareene · 12/23/08 12:38PMInept Man Invents Trends For Imaginary Audience
Hamilton Nolan · 12/18/08 11:28AMMark Penn Has a Well-Compensated Newspaper Job, Still No Justice in Universe
Pareene · 12/11/08 01:41PMObama Is a BMW, McCain is a Ford
cityfile · 10/21/08 05:48PM
What has Mark Penn, the scandal-plagued strategy guru for Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign, been up to as of late? He's back to doing what he does best: conducting useless marketing research. The "2008 Presidential Image Power Survey," conducted by Penn, Schoen & Berland and Landor Associates, asked voters to associate the presidential candidates with various brands, including "fictional spies, retail outlets, snack foods and cars." The answers? Voters connected Obama to BMW, Google and Target, while Mr. McCain was compared to Ford, Wal-Mart, and AOL. Translation: Obama is associated with cool stuff; McCain makes people think of a car company about to go bankrupt, a big-box retailer that abuses its employees, and an Internet company that peaked 11 years ago. [AdAge]
Mark Penn, Folks!
Moe · 09/12/08 04:51PM
What pollsters call the easily manipulable people they are paid to manipulate when they are no longer being paid to make up quippy little euphemisms for "emotionally-motivated ignoramuses" such as "Hockey mom": "I think the best argument to get those voters is that he's going to follow a really strong but sensible course in terms of turning around the economy. I think a lot of those voters, particularly the downscale voters who saw Hillary Clinton as a champion for them, are looking for someone who's going to be able to champion their cause, particularly in the economic area." [CBS News]