Report: George Pataki Currently Miming Being on Phone With Someone
Alex Pareene · 12/29/15 05:21PMMarco Rubio Is Losing
Alex Pareene · 12/22/15 09:25AM
Is Senator Marco Rubio running for president? Is that a stupid question? After all, there he was on stage last week in Las Vegas, speaking more than any candidate besides Cruz (he beat Trump!). He was, according to FiveThirtyEight, the most-attacked Republican candidate, too, which usually indicates frontrunner status. Except Marco Rubio isn’t a frontrunner in any poll, in any primary state; his popularity remains primarily theoretical. Is he actually doing anything to change that?
Hamilton Nolan · 06/10/15 03:18PM
Rick Santorum Had a Campaign Rally in Iowa and Only One Person Showed Up
Adam Weinstein · 06/10/15 10:51AM
Some competitors thrive on being the underdog. Some find humor and vigor in humiliating setbacks. And some are just glass-jawed failure artists, their piled losses more befitting than any theoretical small victory. Rick Santorum is the latter, having reached mediocrity’s apogee while eating lunch alone on Monday.
Animals Bout to Die
Hamilton Nolan · 05/04/15 04:03PMThe D-List Right-Wingers Who've Turned Gamergate Into Their Loser Army
Sam Biddle · 10/20/14 01:08PMA Poker Player Lost a Bet and Had to Let His Friends Rename Him
Jay Hathaway · 03/10/14 09:18AMMitt Romney Bubble Still Intact
Tom Scocca · 09/05/13 10:01AMWatch Oscar Nominees Lose Again and Again
Rich Juzwiak · 02/25/13 01:15AM
Oscars host Seth MacFarlane closed out the show alongside proud pipsqueak Kristin Chenoweth with an original musical number dedicated to the night's losers. Since it was dreadful (and murmured as if MacFarlane and Chenoweth knew to be embarrassed), we can do better. Here's a proper ode to the losers: the exact moment that the nominees lost (and one won) looped for eternity. (This an update to this post of the losers throughout the years that I put together last year.) This is the reason that the animated gif was invented.
America's Chief Wizard Nate Silver Had the Best Election Night of Anybody and Here's Why: a Guide
Max Read · 11/07/12 02:56AM
Did you know President Obama was going to win last night? If you read Nate Silver, the New York Times political blogger and statistical geek, you did. If you don't read Silver, though, you're probably wondering who the hell he is and why everyone is talking about him. Don't worry. We're here to help.
A List of Everyone Donald Trump Called Loser
Prachi Gupta · 08/16/12 04:09PMPoor Americans Are Making America Poor!
Hamilton Nolan · 09/09/11 10:40AMThis Is All the Fault of the Average American
Hamilton Nolan · 09/07/11 11:30AMStudy: Nice People Are Broke Losers
Hamilton Nolan · 08/15/11 09:04AMDon't Even Think of Throwing a Subway Party
Brian Moylan · 08/10/11 01:42PMWhen the subway pulls into your station, you never know what you're going to find. You might end up sitting next to a passed out junkie in a wheelchair, you might get stuck on the dreaded "stinky car," or, worst of all, there might be a bunch of tacky assholes who took over the train with their party.