Today Show Totally Consumed By Bieber Fever
Whitney Jefferson · 06/04/10 11:24AMThe Gawker Guide to Summer Movies
Richard Lawson · 05/27/10 03:57PMEvery Epic Movie From Here On Out to Star Sam Worthington
Richard Lawson · 05/14/10 10:02AMKaty Perry Gets Slimed at Nickelodeon's Kids Choice Awards
Jon Martin · 03/29/10 02:50PMMatt Damon Puts the "Wanna F Him" in "RFK"
Adrian Chen · 02/24/10 02:21AMSpotted
cityfile · 12/29/09 10:20AM
Lindsay Lohan shopping at Intermix on Prince Street yesterday afternoon with her sister Ali (and causing a bit of a scene in the process) ... Angelina Jolie talking on her cell phone during a break from filming Salt ... Ashlee Simpson and Pete Wentz walking in Midtown with son Bronx ... former NFL player/coach Tony Dungy walking in Central Park on Sunday ... Scarlett Johansson signing autographs after a performance of A View From The Bridge at the Cort Theatre ... Jonah Hill walking up Broadway ... Tim Robbins watching a Rangers game with his son last week ... and Eva Longoria cheering on her husband at the Knicks-Spurs game at Madison Square Garden on Sunday night.
cityfile · 09/21/09 08:59AM
A pregnant Karolina Kurkova walking in Tribeca with fiancé Archie Drury ... Catherine Zeta-Jones taking her kids Dylan and Carys to Pier 59 where she was celebrating her birthday ... Jared Leto riding a bike in SoHo ... Kirsten Dunst walking downtown ... Jennifer Hudson leaving her hotel with husband David Otunga ... Sienna Miller signing autographs outside her new Broadway play, After Miss Julie ... Cynthia Nixon walking in SoHo ... Oprah sitting in the back of an SUV ... Whitney Port filming scenes for The City on Friday afternoon ... Matthew Broderick riding bikes with son James in the Village ... Jonah Hill hanging out with a friend downtown ... and Rihanna leaving dinner at the Spotted Pig, and then going to the 40/40 club.
Why MySpace Is Happy to Be Insulted by Adam Sandler
Ryan Tate · 08/04/09 12:02PMSocial networking is for lonely, psychotic shut-ins. Or at least that's the upshot of the jokes in the attached clip from Adam Sandler vehicle Funny People. And still MySpace apparently cooperated with the filmmakers; its co-founder and logo appear.
cityfile · 08/04/09 09:50AM
Sienna Miller stepping out of the Gramercy Park Hotel ... Jonah Hill leaving the Bowery Hotel ... Adam Brody and Jessica Szohr leaving dinner at Cafeteria in Chelsea ... Hilary Duff filming scenes for Gossip Girl in SoHo ... Rihanna arriving at the 34th Street Heliport ... Lou Reed eating breakfast at Le Pain Quotidien in the West Village ... Jennifer Aniston walking downtown ... Snoop Dogg arriving at the Trump International Hotel ... Julia Roberts shooting scenes for Eat, Pray, Love in the East Village ... Channing Tatum and wife Jenna Dewan posing for photographs outside their hotel ... Shia LaBeouf walking by himself in SoHo ... and Drew Barrymore hiding her face from photographers after eating lunch at the Bowery Hotel.
cityfile · 08/03/09 08:20AM
Mischa Barton walking her dogs, Charlie and Ziggy, after getting a cut at Sally Hershberger's salon on Friday afternoon ... Kate Hudson looking at puppies with son Ryder at a pet shop in the West Village ... Courtney Love walking in SoHo ... Drew Barrymore and Justin Long hiding under an umbrella on the set of Going the Distance ... Channing Tatum leaving the Waldorf Astoria ... Taylor Momsen walking through the rain to attend the opening of the Sephora in Times Square ... Selena Gomez listening to her iPod outside ... Russell Brand and Jonah Hill shooting scenes for Get Him To The Greek in Central Park ... and Mischa Barton leaving a party at the Cooper Square Hotel last night.
Jonah Hill: Broadway and 13th Street
The Cajun Boy · 08/03/09 12:29AMHow Jonah Hill's Twitter Impersonator Wrecked His Hollywood Rep
Ryan Tate · 07/15/09 03:44PMJonah Hill joked about his Twitter impersonator on David Letterman the other night. It's impressive he was able to laugh about the incident, because the prankster made the him sound like a complete dick, to other celebrities.
Discuss: Universal Paid Seven Figures For Jonah Hill's New Script
STV · 02/12/09 06:55PMHappy Birthday
cityfile · 12/19/08 07:49AM
Considering he's spent the last couple of days fending off accusations he's a slumlord, this probably won't be the most cheerful day for hotel/restaurant owner Eric Goode: He celebrates his 51st birthday today. Others born on the 19th of December: Jake Gyllenhaal is 28 today. Alyssa Milano is 36. Tyson Beckford turns 38. Lady Sovereign is turning 23. Criss Angel turns 41. And real estate developer Doug Durst is turning 64. Weekend birthdays after the jump.
8 Dos and Donts For Making the Perfect Celebrity PSA
STV · 10/20/08 06:31PM
We're 15 days away from arguably the most culturally charged election of the last 50 years, and it's not just David Letterman's outrage or Sarah Palin's SNL cameos moving the needle. In fact, the celebrity PSA crop of 2008 is as ripe as it's ever been — literally so, in fact, with every encouraging offering on the air giving way to three or four smug, pretentious, condescending or otherwise botched campaigns elsewhere. It happens every four years, as sure as the primaries; just when we think we'd seen it bottom out, along come Leonardo Di Caprio, Blake Lively, Carlos Mencia to knock us back to the Clinton era. So enough already, Hollywood! After the jump, find eight dos and don'ts to keep in mind when striving for the perfect celebrity PSA. You have four years to practice — on your mark, get set, go.1. DO let Jonah Hill host more PSA's on his own. As much as we appreciate the condescending, autoerotic flavor of Di Caprio, Dustin Hoffman, Natalie Portman, Demi Moore and a cast of elite thousands, this Declare Yourself ad proved that all it takes is an actual sense of humor about drugs, abortion and the economy to stir potential interest in the issues. 2. DON'T leave the Latino vote to Carlos Mencia, Cheech Marin and co. At least with Cheech around, however, Mencia can't steal Jonah Hill's jokes. 3. DO emphasize Justin Timberlake if you have a choice between him and Jessica Biel. He's just funnier, a better singer and there's always an outside chance of him "accidentally" pulling off someone's clothing. 4. DON'T give Hayden Panettiere her own spot. Especially not on Funny or Die, where she's neither funny nor dies nor so much as dings the McCain campaign she attempts to swear off — literally. Click to view 5. DO give Hayden Panettiere a spot with Jessica Alba. The "Muzzler" commercials are by far the most effective portion of Declare Yourself's multi-phase campaign to register young voters. Which is to say: We're sure the light bondage practiced on nubile, destabilizingly earnest starlets also compelled older men in the electorate to register their own "young voters" all over their keyboards. Remember, guys — you can only register once! No cheating! 6. DON'T let Anne Hathaway dance. Or anyone else for that matter. Perhaps the worst PSA of the season, this Creative Coalition spot is about as fresh as the bumper-sticker rack at a Wasilla scripture house. 7. DO pit Jews against each other. The Jewish Council for Education and Research brought on Sarah Silverman as the spokesperson for its "Great Schlep" — a late spring break of sorts encouraging young Jews to head off to Florida and convince their Nanas that Barack Hussein Obama is not the anti-Israel terrorist the GOP has allegedly made him out to be. Jackie Mason soon fired back on behalf of the Republican Jewish Coalition, smearing Silverman as a "sick yenta" over a saucy klezmer soundtrack. We hate to see such striking discord under the circumstances, but it's either this, or it's Roseanne Barr vs. Jon Voight. Which isn't a choice at all. 8. DON'T rope Blake Lively and Penn Badgley into a PSA together and not insist they make out for the Obama cause. Especially if we have to sit through the whole pasty cast of Fame: The Remake or Emo High or whatever the fuck just to get to Lively's sign-off. Of course, this being the United States of Defamer, your own suggestion are more than welcome below. Let freedom ring — or at least be less painful to watch on a quadrennial basis.
Activist Jonah Hill Has 19 Kids, 'Never Used Abortion Once'
STV · 10/03/08 03:55PM
Having already given up any hope of Jessica Alba and Hayden Panitierre's muzzled tryst persuading young people to get out the vote, Leonardo DiCaprio's Appian Way Productions this week corralled an ensemble including Natalie Portman, Ashton Kutcher, Forest Whitaker, Dustin Hoffman, Halle Berry and scads of others to keep up the fight via reverse psychology. "Don't vote," they implore to America's youth, none more so than Jonah Hill, whose exhortations "The economy's in the toilet. Who gives a shit? I don't care — I've got so much money" and "I've never fought a war on drugs; I've never done shit on drugs besides played Halo 2" have stirred nearly 300,000 viewers since yesterday. We pass it along to you (after the jump) as a public service of our own whether you've already heard the message or plan to vote or not, if only because it never gets old hearing Hill share such intimate ideology. Particularly the part about his 19 kids — who knew? [YouTube]
Owen Wilson Texts His Way to Recovery
STV · 09/30/08 07:00PM
This edition of Hollywood PrivacyWatch brings a very special Stallion sighting, an especially social Office star, a veritable galaxy of airport celebrity and other high-wattage fruits of your spying labors. Remember, each and every PrivacyWatch relies on your restless, roving eyes, so keep those tips coming with either "Sightings" or "PrivacyWatch" in the subject line. We appreciate all of your surveillance and couldn't contemplate leaving any of it behind. Among those observed in this installment: Owen Wilson, John Krasinski, Amy Adams, Ryan Phillippe, Neil Patrick Harris, Jared Leto, John Legend, Jonah Hill, Martin Landau, Chloe Sevigny, William Fichtner, Ron Livingston, Mekhi Phifer and more.SATURDAY, SEPT. 20 Went to see The Women (the play, not the movie) in a theater near downtown, when I saw MARTIN LANDAU (looking dapper for 77) talking with JACK STEHLIN from Weeds. I was going to list some Martin Landau credits but imdb has 155 of them and I didn't know what to pick. Loved him in Ed Wood, though. THURSDAY, SEPT. 25 Sept. 25 [At the] Aloud event at the LA Central Library, I spotted ERIC IDLE and a companion enjoying the battling accents of ARIANNA HUFFINGTON and BERNARD HENRI-LEVY. Looked like ALAIN GIRAUD may have been there as well, but I can't be sure. Idle and the Giraud lookalike repaired to Cafe Pinot for a post-talk meal, I expect to be joined by BHL and AH, since they were chatting on stage after the event. FRIDAY, SEPT. 26 It was a transatlantic Dundler-Mifflin meetup on Friday (9/26) at the Magic Castle as JOHN KRASINSKI was hanging with STEPHEN MERCHANT (from The Office UK and Extras). The former looked way hotter and less goofy in person and the latter is a good seven feet tall and was chatting up AIMEE MANN. I was dancing up a storm during the MSTRKRFT show at the Henry Fonda Theater when a guy walks right up and blocks my view. He turns around to face me and starts to mess around with his phone. I’m just about to call him out for being in my ‘personal space bubble’ (the dance floor was pretty empty by that time) when I realize that it’s JARED LETO! He looked a little rough: hair slicked back into a pony tail, scruffy facial hair, black army boots and red flannel shirt tight around his waste. '90s style flashback. I felt kind of sorry for him; Jared seemed a kind of bummed about not getting any celeb-like attention. SATURDAY, SEPT. 27 A day earlier on Sept. 27, we saw RON LIVINGSTON and MEKHI PHIFER at the Shane Mosley-Ricardo Mayorga fight in Carson. They weren't together, dammit; Ron had his usual stubble and a third-row seat, while Mekhi was up on the concourse chatting with former fringe NBA player CHRIS MILLS before the main event. SUNDAY, SEPT. 28 After watching my best friend perform an acoustic set at Level 5, someone commented "Hey, there's Jim from The Office." Sure enough, I turn around and there's JOHN KRASINSKI chatting it up with a very cute redhead and an equally cute blonde. OWEN WILSON at The Other Room during the Abbot Kinney Festival. Fairly inconspicuous. He sat and texted the whole time, probably an hour two. I never saw him look up once. My trashed friend asked him what was going on with all the texting. Owen didn't understand the question. I think he left before the guy was killed outside. I saw that happen, pretty messed up. Saw JONAH HILL at the Abbot Kinney Festival on Sunday the 28th. He was in the line for Sausage Masters but didn't seem to purchase anything. He must be on a diet as he's looking a little more svelte than usual. He was very sweet... Saw BRENDAN SEXTON III at Sabor y Cultura cafe in Hollywood today. It was kind of dorky/endearing, there was a group of middle-aged gamers there and he went right over and was totally into it. He was with a tiny blond who was then forced to observe the gaming as well. I don't think anyone else knew who he was, I was just really into Welcome to the Dollhouse back in the day... It feels like cheating to submit sightings from the A terminal at the Burbank airport, since celebs and plebes alike have to walk down that same narrow hall to exit the sad old barn, but what the hell. On Sunday night around 9 p.m., the following people walked by separately in a 4-minute span, presumably all coming off the late JetBlue flight from JFK: WILLIAM FICHTNER of Prison Break, wearing athletic-type clothes and walking so fast his hairline receded; NEIL PATRICK HARRIS, looking awesome in a black T-shirt and gaily chatting with some dude; CHLOE SEVIGNY, mousy-haired and depressingly dressed like a normal person; and finally AMY ADAMS, toting her own overstuffed Louis Vuitton bag and staring grimly ahead while marching with an entourage of at least two other chicks. No smile, no eye contact, still smoking hot. Just got off AA115 from LHR to JFK. JOHN LEGEND was traveling in first class. A wee bit shorter then I anticipated. Saw everyone’s favorite ex-lazy postman WAYNE KNIGHT at the Vendome Liquors in Toluca Lake on Sunday evening. Would have liked to say hi, but he was busy getting advice on red wine from one of the employees. Oh well. MONDAY, SEPT. 29 RYAN PHILLIPPE with BFF and business partner BRECKIN MEYER at Nate 'n Al's in BH on Saturday morning.
Judd Apatow, Adam Sandler and Others End Surprisingly Bootleg-Free 'Funny People' Rehearsals
STV · 09/30/08 02:45PM
We're more than a little disappointed to find that nobody has yet uploaded any video, audio or any record whatsoever of Adam Sandler, Jonah Hill, Seth Rogen or Kevin James's stand-up sessions last Saturday at UCB. The quartet was concluding rehearsals MC Judd Apatow's forthcoming comedian opus Funny People, insights into which we'd gone all the way to Canada to retrieve as recently as July. Then we miss one night in Franklin Village and it's radio silence. Folks, step it up. We're serious. It's not a Beatles reunion or anything, but if we have to read abstractly about Hill biting it or Rogen defaulting to his imaginative zenith of airplane flatus, there's no reason we shouldn't be able to see or hear it in all its stumbling, meandering glory:
Is Michael Cera 'Two or Three Steps From Being Over?'
AmyKSays · 09/29/08 01:50PM
As Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist approaches this weekend, everyone's clamoring to see if Michael Cera has what it takes to push past Ellen Page's preggo belly and Jonah Hill's girth to finally take center stage in a film. But things are looking tenuous for Cera and his "blank Pez-dispenser face," as he seems primed to reprise the dopey-but-endearing role in the new romcom. So will George Michael ever be a star?When Superbad was released, everyone was stoked on Cera and his skinny, off-beat quiet wit. He was ranked No. 1 on Entertainment Weekly's 30 Under 30 actors list. He had garnered comedic street cred from his stint on Arrested Development. And shucks, how could you forget those dimples? He was one of those cool, John Cusask-esque unlikely sex symbols! And yet now, film critic Jeffrey Wells says Cera is a mere "two or three steps from being over." His logic?