Real Estate Market Collapse: Now Coming to the Nice Cities
Hamilton Nolan · 02/14/11 11:05AM
Even during the worst days of the collapse of the housing bubble (Sundays through Saturdays), it was widely assumed that the real pain would be confined to Vegas, and Florida, and other places where people woke up and realized that they'd just paid $1.3 million for a particleboard McMansion in the middle of a desert and/ or swamp.
Mark Penn Now Helping to Destroy the Housing Market
Pareene · 06/15/09 01:10PMWho's Not to Blame for the Housing Bubble?
Owen Thomas · 12/22/08 03:03PMThere are so many gaudily fraudulent characters in the story of this country's mania for buying and selling homes — like Sam Leccima, the former Flip This House star who allegedly slapped "Sold" signs on unsold houses and didn't even have a real-estate license. A&E yanked his shows from the channel's lineup after charges that his house-flipping efforts were a hoax.