Police: Munich Gunman Planned Attack For a Year
Hudson Hongo · 07/24/16 08:00PMAt Least Six Dead, Gunmen on the Loose After Shopping Mall Shooting in Munich [UPDATED]
Jordan Sargent · 07/22/16 12:28PMAt Least 4 Injured After Afghan Teen Attacks Train Passengers in Germany
Hudson Hongo · 07/18/16 07:40PMConflicting Reports Surround Incident at German Movie Theater [Updated]
Kelly Stout · 06/23/16 10:48AMFamous Refugee Says There Are "Too Many" Arab Refugees In Germany
Marina Galperina · 06/01/16 01:00PMGermany Caught Spying on Israeli Prime Minister's Office
Melissa Cronin · 04/02/16 02:24PMGerman Food Is Driving Refugees Back to the War Zones They Came From
Hamilton Nolan · 03/01/16 02:07PMOnlookers Cheer Suspected Arson in Germany as Refugee Housing Burns
Brendan O'Connor · 02/21/16 06:55PMDeclassified Documents: U.S. Military Bombed the Nazi Germany Oil Refinery That Fred Koch Helped Build
Andy Cush · 01/18/16 10:42AM
Among the revelations in Dark Money, Jane Mayer’s expansive new book on the Koch brothers and the rise of contemporary American conservatism, is that Fred Koch, the billionaire duo’s father, once helped build an oil refinery in Nazi Germany. The New York Times broke that item last week, but left out a key detail from the book: allied forces bombed the refinery during World War II.
Suicide Bomber Kills 10 in Attack on Istanbul's Historic District
Allie Jones · 01/12/16 09:03AMGermans (Still) Can't Get Enough of Mein Kampf
Ashley Feinberg · 01/11/16 10:19AMPolice: Gang of 1,000 Men Harassed Dozens of Women at New Year's Eve Celebration in Germany
Brendan O'Connor · 01/05/16 09:15PMPresident of Turkey: Hitler Had Some Good Ideas
Brendan O'Connor · 01/01/16 04:17PMAnne Frank's Diary and Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf Both Enter the Public Domain on Friday
Brendan O'Connor · 12/30/15 11:40PM
A copyright fight is brewing in Europe this week as the deadline after which two key WWII-era texts will fall within the public domain steadily approaches. In Europe, a book becomes public domain 70 years after the author’s death, on the first day of January. This Friday, January 1st, both Anne Frank’s Diary of a Young Girl and Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf will enter the public domain.
Vandals Attack Facebook Offices in Germany
Brendan O'Connor · 12/13/15 09:15PM
A group of 15-20 people wearing black clothes and hoods attacked the building housing Facebook’s offices in Hamburg, Germany, police said in a statement Saturday. Reuters reports that the vandals smashed glass, threw paint, and sprayed “Facebook dislike” on a wall. A Facebook spokesman said no one was injured.