Police Identify L.A. Pride Weapons Suspect as James Wesley Howell
Hudson Hongo · 06/12/16 06:15PM
On Sunday, authorities identified the “heavily armed” Indiana man arrested while in Santa Monica for the Los Angeles gay pride festival as 20-year-old James Wesley Howell, KTLA reports. Santa Monica Police initially said that Howell planned “to harm” the gay pride event before later stating his intentions were unclear.
Man Armed With Assault Rifles and Explosives Arrested En Route to Los Angeles Gay Pride Parade
Gabrielle Bluestone · 06/12/16 12:50PM"A Despicable Hate Crime": Six Stabbed at Jerusalem Gay Pride Parade
Hudson Hongo · 07/30/15 07:00PMOrthodox Jewish Group Invents Uber For Protesting Gay Pride
Ashley Feinberg · 06/29/15 02:38PM
This weekend, as the elated masses took to the streets to celebrate Friday’s historical win for inclusiveness and equality, the hate groups of the world took it upon themselves to balance out all that joy. Or, in the case of the Jewish Political Action Committee, they took it upon the Mexican laborers they hired to dress up as Jews and do the protesting for them.
Turkish Police Disperse Gay Pride Parade With Water Cannon
Brendan O'Connor · 06/28/15 11:30AMCNN Mistakes Dildo-Covered Flag at Pride Parade for ISIS Flag
Brendan O'Connor · 06/27/15 03:22PMIn this clip, a CNN anchor and editor fail to recognize that what they have identified as an “ISIS flag” is actually a flag of dildos and butt plugs, rendered in the style of ISIS.
Drag Queen Hands Bigots Their Asses at Gay Pride Parade
Rich Juzwiak · 07/02/14 11:17AMWell, this is cathartic. During the annual Gay Pride parade in Seattle, a drag queen who goes by the name of Mama Tits confronted a pack of garden-variety Bible thumpers telling the gays to repent. Ms. Tits called them on their shit while conducting herself in a manner far more "Christian" than they were.
Homophobe Won't March In Gay Pride Parade Because He's Welcome To
Rich Juzwiak · 03/21/14 03:12PM
Catholic League figurehead Bill Donohue has made a career out of saying mean things about gay people. So furious was he at the outrage over the St. Patrick's Day Parade's continual banning of gay groups that he thought he'd reverse things a little bit and show the gays how it felt when someone who wasn't implicitly invited wanted to march in one of their parades. He applied to march in New York's LGBT Pride parade, vowing to carry a banner proclaiming, "Straight is Great." He also said he'd bring a wedding cake. "That'll really stick it to them," he probably thought.
No, Gay Pride Is Not an Outdated, Adolescent Mess
Rich Juzwiak · 06/07/13 02:51PMPride and Shame: To Pee On Me Or Not To Pee On Me?
Rich Juzwiak · 06/27/12 09:45AMGay Man Hijacks Straight Wedding with 'Proud Mary' Performance
Rich Juzwiak · 06/22/12 10:35AMI watched this happen live with my own eyes (at the wedding of my friends Lauren and Bennett Olson). The crowd loved it. Especially the straight guys.
Male Hook-Up App Grindr Has Nothing To Do With Gay Pride, Everything To Do With Actual Pride
Rich Juzwiak · 06/07/12 04:15PMQueen Latifah: Yep, I'm Still Not Officially Gay
Louis Peitzman · 06/02/12 12:23PMEverything You Missed from New York's Celebratory Gay Pride Parade
Brian Moylan · 06/27/11 11:32AM
The passage of the marriage equality bill on Friday night couldn't have been timed any better, since it kicked off what was a celebratory Gay Pride weekend in New York City. Rather than a protest or political action, this year's parade down Fifth Avenue and across Greenwich Village was all about celebration. Who cares if the people in Middle America are scared by our drag queens, leather daddies, and dykes on bikes, this year was for us—and what a time it was!
All the Sights and Sounds from the Gawker Summer of Love Benefit
Brian Moylan · 06/23/11 02:10PMThis Is What Gay Men in America Really Look Like
Brian Moylan · 06/20/11 03:09PMJoin the Party: Help Gawker Media Raise Money for Same-Sex Marriage
Brian Moylan · 06/02/11 01:22PM
We crack wise about a lot of things here at Gawker, and generally avoid getting all serious and earnest about the political issues of the day. But this month, in honor of Pride Month, we've decided to, earnestly and seriously, throw our support behind something we're truly passionate about: marriage equality. So we're hosting a big fundraiser to support the cause, and we need your help.