No One Wants to Admit It, but Reddit Can't Be Saved
Sam Biddle · 07/14/15 03:18PM4chan Troll Claims He Framed Feminist for Transphobic Promoted Tweet
Jay Hathaway · 05/20/15 04:22PMHow Gamergate Radicals Seized Sci-Fi's Most Prestigious Awards
Jay Hathaway · 04/10/15 03:00PM8channers Sent Cops to Wrong House in Attempt to Attack Gamergate Critic
Andy Cush · 01/05/15 11:54AMJustine Sacco Is Good at Her Job, and How I Came To Peace With Her
Sam Biddle · 12/20/14 09:00AMAndrew Sullivan Warns of the Radical-Feminist Plot to Seize Twitter
Tom Scocca · 11/11/14 12:15PMAnita Sarkeesian Talks Gamergate on Colbert
Jay Hathaway · 10/30/14 08:45AMFelicia Day Says She's Afraid of Gamergate, Immediately Gets Doxxed
Jay Hathaway · 10/23/14 11:25AM
Actress and geek icon Felicia Day had stayed relatively silent about #Gamergate, the anti-feminist troll mob that's been targeting women in gaming for the past two months. But on Wednesday, she expressed her worst fears about the movement: That if she spoke up against it, her personal information would be spread on the internet.
How We Got Rolled by the Dishonest Fascists of Gamergate
Max Read · 10/22/14 04:00PMOn October 1, the computing giant Intel pulled its ads from Gamasutra, a trade website for game developers, over an essay called "'Gamers' don't have to be your audience. 'Gamers' are over" by a journalist named Leigh Alexander. Intel had been successfully harassed by a small, contemptible crusade called "Gamergate"—a campaign of dedicated anti-feminist internet trolls using an ill-informed mob of alienated and resentful video game-playing teenagers and young men to harass and intimidate female activists, journalists, and critics.
About Bullying
Joel Johnson · 10/22/14 02:52PMThese Are the Creepy 4Chan Successors Behind Gamergate's Pathetic War
Andy Cush · 10/22/14 08:55AM
Both the amorphous anti-feminist movement Gamergate and last month's extended leak of a huge cache of private celebrity nude photographs—the two biggest internet-based stories in recent memory—have served as coming-out parties for a small set of anonymous, uncensored image boards that function like 4chan's raggedy stepchildren. Who are these new kids, and where did they come from?
The Gamergate Subreddit Is the Perfect Source for Gamergate News
Jay Hathaway · 10/21/14 09:29AMThe D-List Right-Wingers Who've Turned Gamergate Into Their Loser Army
Sam Biddle · 10/20/14 01:08PMThe Angry Ex Who Ignited Gamergate Has No Regrets
Jay Hathaway · 10/16/14 01:40PM
Although violent animosity against women in video games is not even close to a new phenomenon, it didn't congeal into Gamergate, a coordinated movement with mainstream press attention, until Eron Gjoni, the ex-boyfriend of game developer Zoë Quinn, released a lengthy blog post alleging that she cheated on and emotionally abused him while they were together. And he would do it all again, even knowing the consequences.
What Is Gamergate, and Why? An Explainer for Non-Geeks
Jay Hathaway · 10/10/14 08:20AM
Until recently, you might have lived a life blissfully unaware of the online #Gamergate movement. But last week, computing giant Intel pulled its ads from an independent game-development site thanks to the gaming lobby. Now that major companies are taking sides, it's time to figure it out. Let us be your guides.