The Best Posts About Kristin Cavallari on Gawker in 2015
Gawker Staff · 12/31/15 11:56AMIKEA Hates Fun, Shuts Down Hide and Seek Games at Dutch Stores
Dayna Evans · 03/17/15 02:50PM
You know what would be a fun way to spend your Saturday night? Playing hide and seek with a huge group of Dutch people at an IKEA in Amsterdam. IKEA is wicked stressful, and that stress could be alleviated with some childhood revelry among plastic laptops and display couches. IKEA's bosses, however, have to disagree.
Recasting Gilmore Girls for the Highly Anticipated, Hypothetical Movie
Kelly Conaboy · 08/20/14 12:35PMLet's Match Drugs to New York Times Op-Ed Columnists
Michelle Dean · 06/04/14 12:45PMIs Environmentalism a Religion? Sure, Why Not!
Ken Layne · 10/11/13 10:15AM
If the grim news about our slow-cooking world has got you down, you might be an environmentalist. Recycling bins, hiking boots, and that reusable grocery bag you got at the farmer's market are other signs that you may have ecological beliefs and concerns. To the industrial propagandists, even your awareness of the hotter temperatures and horrific storms is proof that your green behavior is actually a religion. So what would happen if 10 million or 50 million religious environmentalists suddenly appeared on the national scene?
Old Jalopy Is Last To Cross San Francisco's Old Bay Bridge
Ken Layne · 08/29/13 09:40AMVictor Jeffreys II · 08/21/13 12:30PM
Oregon City Wants 'Fun' Police Chief After Years of Internal Conflict
Max Rivlin-Nadler · 08/10/13 10:08AMHamilton Nolan · 01/16/13 01:01PM
Lena Dunham Is Dating a Guy From That Band Fun.
Max Read · 09/05/12 09:44AMThe Girls Tour You Never Asked For Is Imminent
Leah Beckmann · 06/23/12 10:13AMHow Old Does Google Think You Are?
Max Read · 01/27/12 10:08AM
Here's today's fun internet game: who does Google think you are? Google thinks I am a 65+ year old man, possibly because I am always searching things like "what time does The Good Wife start" and "movies with no violence or sadness in them" and "when will I die." (Google also thinks I am interested in "Arts & Entertainment - Celebrities & Entertainment News." Fair enough.)
Step Right Up to the Casey Anthony Dunking Booth
Seth Abramovitch · 07/20/11 12:17AMYelp Users Love the Abortionplex!
Seth Abramovitch · 06/01/11 02:08AMPlanking Is the New Internet 'Craze,' as Long as You Don't Die
Lauri Apple · 05/15/11 02:15PMPlayboy Mansion Full of Deadly Disease
Hamilton Nolan · 03/02/11 10:15AM
Health officials in Los Angeles were curious why "hundreds" of people got sick after a fundraising party at the Playboy Mansion last month. It turns out the Playboy Mansion is full of Legionnaire's disease! Which can lead to fatal respiratory failure, septic shock, and acute liver failure. Thought it's not likely!
City Worker's Harrowing Tale: My Boss's Voice Made Me Puke
Hamilton Nolan · 02/15/11 10:21AM
Gather round, children, and listen to the terrifying tale of New York City Housing Authority employee Anthony Dingle: in his workplace of woe, poor Anthony lived in a constant state of dread, fearing the evil cackle of his shrewish supervisor. Career—or calamity? This, we tell you, is a story of the darkest depths of distress and dejection. The story of a man whose boss's voice made him puke.