Hamilton Nolan · 07/14/15 10:40AM
PETA says that an activist who participated in the group’s protests against mammal prison Sea World for years was actually a Sea World employee sent to infiltrate them. “Grab your pitch forks and torches. Time to take down SeaWorld,” the whale-torturing corporate whore wrote on Facebook at one point.
We Tried to Interview This Rich Guy About His Rich People Book
Hamilton Nolan · 06/29/15 10:25AMHere's How Sprite Tries to Buy Off Reporters With Free Tickets
Hamilton Nolan · 02/03/15 12:20PMHamilton Nolan · 11/26/14 01:08PM
Attack Oil Pipeline Opponents, Advises Bad PR Firm
Hamilton Nolan · 11/18/14 09:50AMPlease Don't Be Cynical About This New Site's Huge Corporate Sponsors
Hamilton Nolan · 10/07/14 10:28AMWalmart Spokesman Lied. What? Not a Walmart Spokesman!
Hamilton Nolan · 09/16/14 08:54AMCelebrity Gift Bag Peddlers Use Robin Williams for (Bad) PR
Hamilton Nolan · 08/22/14 01:48PMPR Firm Explains the Best Way to Get Publicity From a Celebrity Suicide
Hamilton Nolan · 08/13/14 09:08AMHere's How Conde Nast and Mo Rocca Are Making Propaganda for Monsanto
Hamilton Nolan · 08/05/14 03:50PMDo PR People Deserve Our Sympathy?
Hamilton Nolan · 06/12/14 10:05AMHamilton Nolan · 06/11/14 08:28AM
Hamilton Nolan · 04/01/14 02:28PM
Hamilton Nolan · 02/24/14 09:19AM
Pinpointing the exact moment when a press release fails: "[Name], In case you're pulling together a list of the top quick-service fish sandwiches," (failure occurs).
PR Dummies: "What You Eat Defines Who You Will Date"
Hamilton Nolan · 09/17/13 01:25PMHere Is the Fourth Known Photo of Fox News Attack Flack Irena Briganti
Hamilton Nolan · 07/29/13 01:52PM
Irena Briganti is the Fox News PR attack dog described as "The Most Vindictive Flack in the Media World," by us. Despite her high profile job and use of the media to smear reporters, Briganti herself takes great pains to keep all information about her out of the public realm. In the spirit of public interest, we present the fourth known photograph of Irena Briganti.