Adam Weinstein · 05/20/14 01:59PM
Conservative Senators to Underpaid Women: Drop Dead
Adam Weinstein · 04/09/14 04:10PMPolitician Blows Pastor's Mind With Powerful Defense of Gay Marriage
Neetzan Zimmerman · 09/05/13 08:53AMIt's not every day that you hear a seasoned politician, much less the leader of a major party, publicly defend same-sex marriage against the dogmatic antagonism of a fundamentalist Christian pastor, especially in the United States.
Cop-Killing Terror Lady Is First Woman On FBI Terror List
Ken Layne · 05/02/13 05:03PM
Fugitive cop-killer Joanne Chesimard has become the first woman on America's Most Wanted Terrorists List, joining a previously all male list of super villains. Chesimard, who also goes by the aliases "Sister-Love Chesimard" and "Joan Davis," murdered a New Jersey state trooper 40 years ago today. Chesimard busted out of prison and has lived in Cuba ever since.
Restaurant Owner in North Carolina Waits for Lesbian Couple to Pay Tab, Then Hands Them Letter Condemning Homosexuality
Neetzan Zimmerman · 01/11/13 10:58AMBoy Scouts Chapter Approves Openly Gay Teen's Eagle Scout Status Despite Opposition from National Organization
Neetzan Zimmerman · 01/08/13 04:02PMFacebook Introduces Marriage Status Icons Depicting Same-Sex Couples
Neetzan Zimmerman · 07/02/12 09:27AMProcess Begins To Legalize Gay Marriage In Illinois
Noah Garfinkel · 02/08/12 10:21PMDying Man's Husband To Be Deported
Remy Stern · 08/21/11 02:09PMSeven years ago in Massachusetts, Bradford Wells married his long-time partner, Anthony John Makk. They have now been together for 19 years. Sometime this week — by Thursday at the latest — Anthony John Makk will be forcibly removed from the country. He is Australian, and the government has denied him permanent residency. Which it can do, because the federal government doesn't recognize same-sex marriage.
Focus On the Family Rep Forced to Admit That DOMA Discriminates Against Children
Richard Lawson · 07/20/11 11:18AMObama Endorses 'Respect for Marriage' Act
Jim Newell · 07/19/11 02:40PMWhite House press secretary Jay Carney broke a bit of news in today's briefing: President Obama publicly supports the Respect for Marriage Act, which would repeal all three sections of the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act. Not really shocking, since he's been against DOMA since his earliest days on the campaign trail, but this endorsement of the actual repeal bill will help draw attention to the Senate hearing on it that's scheduled for tomorrow.