Why Is the Associated Press Trying to Prevent Me From Receiving Up-to-the-Minute Entertainment Coverage? [Updated]
Ashley Feinberg · 08/05/16 03:34PMA Close Look at Reality TV Industry Salaries
Hamilton Nolan · 09/25/15 01:50PMReality TV Company's Anti-Union Email: We Already Have a "Suggestion Box"
Hamilton Nolan · 09/23/15 01:05PMIt Is Fight Week and Las Vegas Is a Timeless Vortex
Hamilton Nolan · 04/29/15 12:39PM
“You here for the fight?” said my cab driver, who looked like a less successful Guy Fieri. “I used to work for referee Jay Nady, the highest grossing boxing referee of all time.” He gestured out the window at a stoplight. “See that cab? That’s Jay Nady’s cab company right there. The ones with the ‘A.’ The ‘A’ is for asshole. Fuck that guy.”
Here's How Sprite Tries to Buy Off Reporters With Free Tickets
Hamilton Nolan · 02/03/15 12:20PMReality TV Stories: "Who in Here Is a Jew?"
Hamilton Nolan · 10/14/14 10:54AMA Rich Treasury of Reality TV Worker Stories
Hamilton Nolan · 07/29/14 02:58PMReality TV Horror Stories: The Temptation Island Hurricane
Hamilton Nolan · 07/10/14 01:26PM"A Twisted Industry": Reality TV Workers Are Really Fed Up
Hamilton Nolan · 07/07/14 11:59AMReality TV Work: Thankless and Dangerous
Hamilton Nolan · 07/01/14 03:05PMThe Grim Realities of Reality TV: Workers Speak
Hamilton Nolan · 06/30/14 03:30PMHamilton Nolan · 05/27/14 01:16PM
We Are Not in the Golden Age of Staring at Fire
Tom Scocca · 05/05/14 04:15PMGoonies Director Teases Sequel Featuring Original Cast
Kelly Conaboy · 04/05/14 03:15PMActual Legislators Are Puppets on a String for House of Cards
Hamilton Nolan · 03/28/14 10:16AMAmerica Will Now Be Entertained By Bible Sequels
Ken Layne · 08/30/13 04:00PM
All the good superheroes are used up, so the next fun entertainment for Americans will be various sequels and spinoffs from the Holy Bible. A lot of Americans still claim to believe in the Christian religion: 77 percent say they still follow the breakaway Jewish sect, which remains a huge demographic even if it's down considerably from its 90 percent market penetration a half century ago.
The Sheer Gall of Celebrities Demanding Privacy
Hamilton Nolan · 01/14/13 12:44PM
Last night, Jodie Foster, a famous actress who has been a famous actress for many decades, stood on stage at a glittery Hollywood awards show being broadcast around the world, and, in a lengthy, self-glorifying speech, in front of a crowd of the world's most famous people, asked for.... privacy. Is Jodie Foster clinically insane?