Rand Paul Has More Than $300,000 in Unpaid Bills From Failed Presidential Bid
Hannah Gold · 07/31/16 03:40PM
The Lexington Herald-Leader reported on Saturday that the Republican Senator from Kentucky, Rand Paul, has yet to pay off $301,108 in debt accrued during his failed presidential bid, according to his most recent Federal Elections Commission filing, on June 30. Poor Rand only has $2,558 in cash on hand to balance his debts, at present.
Hillary Clinton Offers Student Debt Deferral to Those Who Need it Most: Startup-Launching Americans
Andy Cush · 06/28/16 02:10PM
Hillary Clinton has a bold plan to ensure the bright future of every hardworking American who has the considerable resources required to start his or her own company: three years of student debt deferrals, for every single startup founder. Wonderful news for our striving technocrat class—they need all the help they can get.