Florida Governor Rick Scott Can't Even Get a Cup of Coffee at a Local Starbucks
Jeff Ihaza · 04/05/16 10:25PMToday, footage surfaced of Florida governor Rick Scott, at a Starbucks in Gainesville, getting yelled at by a customer—local woman Cara Jennings, who is none to happy with the governor.
Starbucks: Shut Up and Make Coffee That Isn't Garbage
Sam Biddle · 03/24/16 08:42AM
Inside today’s Wall Street Journal and New York Times are two different, full-page ads about essentially nothing draped in the rhetoric of social justice written by what I imagine was a third party branding agency at the behest of a CEO in order to promote the pseudo-advocacy of a sprawling American coffee chain. We live in dumb, predictable times.
Coffee Connoisseurship Silly
Hamilton Nolan · 02/29/16 11:35AMCoffee Is the Elixir of Life, One Might Say
Melissa Cronin · 11/16/15 11:03PMGas Prices Rising, Coffee Prices Falling, Crazy World Still Spinning
Hamilton Nolan · 07/16/15 03:30PMToday in Product Review Spoilers: The $480 Pour Over Coffee Maker
Hamilton Nolan · 06/25/15 08:58AMImagine Publishing This Sentence By Choice
Hamilton Nolan · 06/08/15 09:45AMBad Wasteful Coffee Machine for Lazy People No Longer Popular
Hamilton Nolan · 05/07/15 10:33AMWhen We All Relocate to Space, At Least We'll Have Espresso
Dayna Evans · 05/04/15 11:55AM
At parties—which I go to a lot—the question is often raised: if you were to travel to space, what would be the one earthly thing you’d have trouble giving up? FRESH COFFEE, we all yell. Samantha Cristoforetti, an Italian astronaut at the International Space Station, has proven that we will never have to go without espresso when we float above Earth.
Lovestruck Man Pleads Guilty to Masturbating Into His Co-Worker's Coffee
Taylor Berman · 04/03/15 02:05PMLook at Kim Kardashian's Hot Ass Diarrhea
Jay Hathaway · 11/13/14 04:57PMHamilton Nolan · 10/17/14 12:17PM
Man Says His McDonald's Coffee Came With a Free Dead Mouse
Jay Hathaway · 10/16/14 08:50AM
Ron Morais, of Fredericton, New Brunswick, doesn't like to waste a drop of his coffee. "I always take the lid off to get my last sip," he told the CBC. But he says that on a visit to McDonald's Monday, he found something in his cup that ruined his appetite for last bit of coffee there: A dead mouse.
Brooklyn Coffee Shop Chooses Instagram to Say How Much They Hate Jews
Sam Biddle · 10/02/14 09:36AMMan Jerked Off Into Coworker's Coffee, Hoping She Would Notice Him
Jay Hathaway · 09/04/14 10:54AMSelf-Important Higher-ups Now Charging Underlings for Networking Chats
Dayna Evans · 06/23/14 04:35PM
The NY Post reported this week that money-hungry professionals are starting to reject advice meetings with under-experienced subordinates unless they're paid for their time. Keep in mind that these people likely had meetings with their superiors when they were starting out, and that advice was probably free.
Chicago Coffee Expert Crushed to Death by Falling Coffee Machine
Taylor Berman · 05/27/14 04:26PMKelly Conaboy · 05/18/14 03:30PM
The U.S. government is increasings its efforts to help Central American farmers fight a harmful coffee fungus called "coffee rust,"which has caused more than $1 billion in damage across the Latin American region. As many as 500,000 people could lose their jobs due to the fungus and, much less importantly, your morning coffee could become more expensive!