Bernie Sanders Doesn't Give a Shit About God
Hamilton Nolan · 01/27/16 01:30PMGodless New York Punishes Chick-fil-A With Health Code Violations
Allie Jones · 01/05/16 04:06PM
Chicken-sandwich chain Chick-fil-A—a God-fearing corporation led by people unafraid to speak out against gay marriage—opened its first store in New York City in October. Just months later, on Christmas Eve of all days, the city slammed the restaurant with six health code violations, leading managers to close the place down for almost a week. Coincidence? Or godless liberal conspiracy?
Liberty University Clarifies: We Are Insane People
Hamilton Nolan · 12/08/15 09:58AMRupert Murdoch's Vile Advice to Obama: Only Accept 'Proven Christian' Refugees Into U.S.
Melissa Cronin · 11/16/15 09:34PMA Good Christian School's Ruthless Anti-Union Campaign
Hamilton Nolan · 11/03/15 10:53AMBernie Sanders in the Lake of Fire and Brimstone
Hamilton Nolan · 09/15/15 10:35AMKentucky Clerk Still Denying Gay Marriage Licenses, Says God Overrules Supreme Court
Jay Hathaway · 09/01/15 09:10AM
Kim Davis, the clerk of Rowan County, Kentucky, continued to deny marriage licenses to same-sex couples Tuesday, in defiance of the Supreme Court’s direct order that she do so. Davis, an elected official, had asked to be excused from that part of her job on religious grounds. The Court denied her appeal Monday.
Rick Santorum Is This Close to Beating the Pope's Ass
Adam Weinstein · 06/03/15 02:35PMIf You Didn't Read the Montana Newspaper This Week, You're Missing Out
Adam Weinstein · 05/20/15 01:20PM
You may have heard about the Billings teen who could face charges for killing his best friend with an “heirloom” revolver after the friend tapped on his window in the dead of night. But what do you know of 10 dead bears, sheep eradicating ragweed, and a lawsuit over the Garden of Read’n Christian bookstore?
Screw Sharia: Godlessness Is Creeping Across America
Adam Weinstein · 05/12/15 02:28PMAre Our Kids Taking a School Bus to Hell? Local News Team Investigates
Hudson Hongo · 01/17/15 01:30PM"BAM!": Pastor Cops to Punching Kid for "Not Taking the Lord Serious"
Hudson Hongo · 01/11/15 01:15PMMan Freaks Out After No One Thanks Him for Holding Door at In-N-Out
Jay Hathaway · 10/29/14 09:22AMIn-N-Out Burger employees in Redding, Calif., reportedly asked this Bible-carrying gentleman to stop holding the door open for customers and either buy something or leave. He chose a secret, off-menu option: Come into the store and explode in an Animal Style supernova of obnoxious rage.
Blessed Are The Swingers: Christian Couple Share Partners, Word of God
Gabriella Paiella · 09/25/14 06:40PMDevout Christians looking to spread the word of God sometimes need to get creative about where they're preaching—after all, anywhere could be the right place to convert an unbeliever. So why not discuss Bible verses with the guy you've invited over to fuck your wife?
Anti-Gay Christian Group Vows to Refuse Mail with Harvey Milk Stamp
Dayna Evans · 06/01/14 10:30AMSarah Hedgecock · 05/02/14 11:05AM
Christians Try to Convert Jews With Video of Jesus as Holocaust Victim
Adam Weinstein · 04/18/14 03:45PMHappy Passover! Here's "That Jew Died for You," a bizarre video depicting Jesus on his way to a gas chamber in a Nazi death camp with some Polish Jews. It comes from Jews for Jesus, an evangelical group that aims to convert Hebrews in apparently the most off-putting way possible.