Now Betting on China's Collapse: George Soros
Hamilton Nolan · 06/09/16 10:21AMHow to Get Rich If China's Stock Market Doesn't Collapse
Hamilton Nolan · 06/08/16 01:18PMHow Scared Should You Be of a Chinese Financial Meltdown?
Hamilton Nolan · 06/06/16 03:55PMHong Kong Glues Paving Stones to Ground So Demonstrators Don't Throw Them at Visiting Chinese Officials
Brendan O'Connor · 05/16/16 08:35AMQueen Elizabeth II Absolutely DECAPITATES "Very Rude" Chinese Officials
Brendan O'Connor · 05/11/16 07:30AMDonald Trump: We Can't Let China "Rape" Our Country
Hudson Hongo · 05/01/16 07:30PMThe SAT Has Been Hacked
J.K. Trotter · 03/28/16 05:19PM
The SAT, the standardized test taken by high school seniors to burnish their college applications, was administered nearly 1.7 million times last year. The test’s popularity within college admissions is based, in part, on the perception of fairness: As any recent test-taker is well aware, it is extremely difficult to cheat the SAT. According to a deeply reported investigative series by Reuters, however, a large number of SAT test-takers in Asia have benefitted from an illicit advantage when taking the exam:
Donald Trump Wants the United States to Run a Global Protection Racket
Brendan O'Connor · 03/26/16 02:05PMEXCLUSIVE PHOTO: Ivanka Trump's Shoes Definitely Made in China
Ashley Feinberg · 03/23/16 08:00AM
Donald Trump, who once claimed to have ended his partnership with Macy’s over the fact that his “shirts and ties were made in China,” is in for a rude awakening as far as his daughter’s own fashion line is concerned. Exclusive photos shared with Gawker confirm that Ivanka Trump, the smokin’ hot apple of her father’s eye, is in fact part of the problem.
China on Donald Trump: Have Fun With Your “Democracy,” Idiots
Ashley Feinberg · 03/14/16 12:49PMChinese Investors Finance Trump-Branded Kushner Tower in Exchange for Visas
Brendan O'Connor · 03/06/16 11:58PMThroughout his presidential campaign, Donald Trump has fixated on China’s increasing economic influence as exemplary of America’s failure to win anymore. He has not, however, thus far mentioned Chinese investors’ involvement in financing a Trump-branded tower in New Jersey being built by his son-in-law.
China Kicks 9,000 People Out of Their Homes in Hunt for Aliens
Ashley Feinberg · 02/17/16 03:13PM$900 Million Worth Of Liquid Meth Found Inside Push Up Bras and Art Supplies
Marina Galperina · 02/15/16 02:52PM
In one of Australia’s biggest drug busts ever, 50 gallons of liquid methylamphetamine were discovered inside silicon push-up bra inserts shipped from mainland China. An investigation lead to 140 more gallons (worth $900 million in total) inside some art supplies stashed in five storage units in Sydney, the AP reports.