Reminder: Don't Borrow Money to Invest
Hamilton Nolan · 07/07/15 09:18AMHamilton Nolan · 06/01/15 05:10PM
Cops: Drunkenly Chasing Bears With Dull Hatchet Is "Not Advised"
Hudson Hongo · 05/12/15 11:00PMHamilton Nolan · 04/27/15 12:45PM
Is Your Flip Phone the Only Thing Stopping You From Getting Laid?
Hamilton Nolan · 04/14/15 03:30PMWhat I Learned From David Carr
John Cook · 02/13/15 01:05PMHow to Completely Blow an Interview, by Andrew Ross Sorkin
Hamilton Nolan · 01/22/15 12:24PMAdvice: Don't Use the News Media to Communicate to Your Exes
Leah Finnegan · 12/29/14 05:25PMDo Not Listen to the Crazy Man Telling You to Quit Your Job
Hamilton Nolan · 12/22/14 11:50AMThatz Not Okay: Can I Make All My Recipes Secret Recipes?
Caity Weaver · 04/14/14 01:34PM
I made my husband a birthday party and invited his friends and colleagues. I prepared a bunch of my best dishes including a chocolate cake I have perfected for the past 4 years from various recipes. Now let me tell you about the cake: It's perfection, moist, rich and the frosting achieved the delicate balance for it to be delicious to chocoholics and those of us that aren't. Everyone went crazy for it and now my husband asked me to give him my recipe to pass it to the wife of a colleague. Normally I wouldn't mind—I've given my recipes to people in his office—but this lady rubs me off the wrong way. Ever since I met her there's something about her I can't explain that makes me dislike her very much and I can't imagine she cares that much about me given that we have barely spoken and are not even Facebook friends. So now I don't want to give her my recipe since she didn't even bother asking me personally, but my husband says I'm being childish and should just share it. Is that okay?
Thatz Not Okay: Can I Fuck My High School Enemy's Dad?
Caity Weaver · 03/31/14 11:00AM
So there was this girl that I went to high school with, and basically she was/is a homophobic, mouth breathing waste of space that made my life at the time rather miserable. Anywho, recently I was on Grindr (like half my day at work) and I happened upon her still rather handsome/DILF-esque father. I messaged him and we struck up a conversation, although it's pretty obvious he has no idea who I am (though to tell the truth I have been a bit vague about some of the facts). I'm considering banging him, and then disclosing said banging to a few select individuals, knowing it would make its way back to her. Is that okay?