Supposedly Gay Celebrity Bull Is Now at Least Bi-curious

An Irish bull whose homosexuality was the subject of international news coverage last year has recently shown interest in the opposite sex, the BBC reports.
In 2014, Benjy made headlines across the world after it was reported his sexual attraction to other bulls made him an unsuitable breeder and he was destined for the slaughterhouse. Thanks to a campaign backed by The Simpsons co-creator Sam Simon, however, Benjy was instead sent to Hillside Animal Sanctuary in Norfolk, England.
But according to sanctuary founder Wendy Valentine, Benjy’s sexuality is more fluid than previously stated.
“Judging by what he was trying to do the other day with one of the cows,” Valentine told the BBC, “he isn’t gay.”
Of course, however Benji might choose to describe his orientation, what’s really important is he’s happy (and also not dog food).
“He’s very content,” said Valentine.