"Single White Female" Naya Rivera Not Sorry She Ass-Shamed Kim K

Glee "star" Naya Rivera posted a straight-up rude comment on Kim Kardashian's Instagram of her bare-ass Paper cover on Tuesday. She is not sorry for that comment.
On Kim's post, Naya wrote:

Then yesterday, Naya posted a sassy photo of herself with Instagram founder Kevin Systrom and hashtagged it #instagramgotmeintrouble.
LOL, I guess.
Meanwhile, Kim's BFF Jonathan Cheban (who does...something) published a post on his blog declaring Naya a "single white female" who only uses Kim for publicity.

Making the obvious reference to Naya's ex-fiancé Big Sean's "I Don't Fuck With You" song, Cheban writes:
Naya has always been a step BEHIND... And this time she has seriously fallen BEHIND like Daylight Savings Time!
After a year-long tour of impersonating Kim, she decided to come out of her shell and make a real statement about Kim's Paper cover (which has to be one of the hottest, if not the hottest cover all year).
As expected, she's getting some press and when all else fails, use Kim. ...
We all know you want to be Kim, but you don't got it boo, and the only cover you will be gracing is the Single White Female 2 straight to DVD box set.
He then goes on to post side-by-side comparisons of Naya dressing like Kim. For her part, Kim has not commented on any of this.
Maybe her Paper cover just broke everyone's brains.
[Photos via Instagram/Getty]