LEAKED: The Lost Gawker Night Blogs

For every macabre, titillating or actually informative off-hours post that has appeared on Gawker dot com, there’s one that was too scandalous, too stupid or just too boring to make it onto the site. Tonight, we pull back the curtain to show you the godforsaken night blogs that were neither editor nor reader was ever meant to see.

Author’s Note: I spent like two weeks working on this but couldn’t quite make it work. Also I still believe this.

Author’s Note: Good lede.

Author’s Note: This video still rules

Author’s Note: Good hed.

Author’s Note: For some reason, my royal baby coverage never really took off.

Author’s Note: Seemed mean at the time and also now but still funny.

Author’s Note: No reason not to post this. A mistake.

Author’s Note: I don’t remember this story but it sounds cool.

Author’s Note: My first draft for Gawker. Clearly mistakes were made.