It's Time to Declare 2013 the Year of the Deer

If you live on Earth, and can read, and are even the least little bit aware of your surroundings, you have no doubt noticed that, lately, anywhere from .01 to 99% of daily news (and Daily News) stories are about deer.
Over the weekend, Beyoncé posted a photograph of a deer to her Tumblr apropos of nothing. Earlier this summer, a rare snow-white albino deer made numerous mystical appearances throughout the heartland, masticating the Iowa grasslands like some sort of psychotic angel. Deer have crashed into the news cycle like a deer into an empty café.

No longer content to content to lurk along the periphery, creeping into our gardens and darting away as soon as they catch us silently Instagramming a cool pic of them, deer have taken over the spotlight like they were Shana at her friend Brooke's bachelorette party.
It's time to officially designate 2013 the Year of the Deer.
Here are some things deer have been up to so far this year:
A tiny lil deer was born and Gawker named it Potato.
A deer acted like a slut at cheer camp and now America has to pay for it.
A deer was allowed to keep sleeping on the futon it loved.
A deer ate a feast of Doritos and then was briefly partially imprisoned in the bag.
A deer rode a bus for the first time and hated it.
A deer got into a sloppy slap-fight with the coach of his son's lacrosse team and was later banned from attending games.
The deer have already accomplished more than most of us will accomplish all year, and it's only July. So, no matter what gay people, people born under the Chinese astrological sign of the snake, and clutch handbags would have you believe, 2013 is the year of the deer.
Please share your deer stories, pictures, .gifs, dating tips, recipes, fan art, etc. in the comments.
And stay tuned for continuing coverage of deer.
[Art by Jim Cooke]
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